In Hollywood, the show never ends, and at times very interesting to see how the stars are trendsetters in makeup and hairstyles. Their images are picked up by dandies and ladies - and now there is the emergence of new trends. What Hollywood celestials offer us this season?
Explicit favorite season: haircuts "fringe" clear parted severely in the middle and false eyelashes.
The return of "fringe"
 Five years ago, Kate Moss has introduced the fashion for haircuts with bangs "fringe." Last season, the palm intercepted Katie Holmes. New style of the wife of Tom Cruise caused such excitement among others, that the variation of the square with the "fringe" around his face Katie, immediately became the most fashionable trend in hairstyles. Fan of hairstyles with "fringe" were Liv Tyler and Halle Berry.
Every type of hair will suit its variation "fringe":
• round face - "fringe" should be short, "torn", for easy installation;
• square face - give preference to long "fringe" in order not to burden the hair;
• oval face - you can choose any length as your face will suit the majority of variations of hairstyles.
If you confused or curly hair, then do haircut with "fringe" is not recommended because you have to deal with them every morning straightening. The secret of the volume and the "curved fringe" - to use straighteners. It is very easy to use machine that polishes the hair, lets make it three-dimensional, eliminates static electricity and makes hair shine. The hair becomes manageable, shiny and smooth.
Parted in the middle
 Who would have thought? Parted in the middle again became popular. After appearing on the catwalks of fashion trends, the idea picked up by the singer Beyonce and Fergie, actress Sarah Jessica Parker and others. This simple retro hairstyle in the style of the 70s of the last century for almost any type of hair: short or long, straight or curly, with the proviso that the hair is free falling down forward.
The absolute hit of 2008 - with a thick haircut "fringe" and parted in the middle. To the parting line was clearer, use a little polish, spray it at a distance of 15-20 cm from the hair. Hairstyle thus should look completely natural.
False eyelashes
 Another trendsetter fashion trends in makeup and hairstyle - Eva Longrim. Her example inspired colleagues to use false eyelashes to go out and in everyday life. False eyelashes liked a lot as they give the look and depth of magnetism. With the help of false eyelashes is so easy to make this fatal sight vamp.
 In order to use such eyelashes, first held a regular eye makeup using makeup: eyeliner pencil or Indian ink. Then, on the edge of false eyelashes applied special glue. The edges of the artificial eyelashes are placed at the level of the roots of the present, while fixed. And now - you are the winner of endlessly long and luxurious lashes.