Beauty Secrets of Jessica Alba
 The last time all together to discuss the figures recently given birth stars. That's the star of the movie "Fantastic Four" - Jessica Alba is not an exception. She gained during pregnancy, 18 kg, and for 6 weeks after birth took off half of the acquired weight. Want to know how?

Diet Jessica Alba

It adheres to the food plan "3 - 2 - 1". 3 meals, 2 snacks and 1 liter of water per day. The number of calories consumed within 1 800 - 2 000. But if you do not feed your baby, you can safely cut back on the number 500 calories.

Here is a sample menu for the day:

Breakfast : Hard-boiled egg or protein omelet with toast.
Lunch Salad with chicken or baked fish
Dinner : Lean roasted meats and vegetables
Snacks Fruits, vegetables and cheese with low fat content.

Despite the fact that the need to drink 1 liter per day, Jessica drinks from 2 to 3 liters. If you give yourself physical activity, you should not neglect the water, so as not to make dehydration.

All diet boils down to three things: control calories, control products and portion control. The more healthy foods you eat, the Bole rapidly losing weight.

You can also include in your diet berry fruit drinks own cooking, but do not add too much sugar or fresh juices, or leaning on a diet is not enough. The fact that they contain vitamins and antioxidants. Maximum portion of 100 - 200 ml. Remember that these drinks contain calories, so take it into account when drawing up the menu.

 Beauty Secrets of Jessica Alba

Train Jessica Alba

Jessica trains 6 times a week for an hour. Each workout includes 3 sets of 10 minutes of cardio, 2 sets of 10-minute circuit training and one set for 10 minutes of exercise on the development of strength and endurance. Circuit training and exercises to develop strength include conventional exercises performed both with worsening or without, at a good pace. Here and lunges, and body lifts, etc.

After birth, the actress began to be engaged gradually. First, it takes 3 times a week and exercise lasted for 25 minutes, it starts with the usual fitness exercises such as sit-ups, leg lifts, twists. Two weeks later, she added, 20 minutes cardio and 15 minutes of circuit training.

If you have not been doing should always start slowly. Start with 20 minutes a day. Gradually increase the duration and intensity. Sharp start and sore muscles usually discourage any desire to train.
Author: Vera Karabutova