Widely open mouth. Slightly mad eyes. Lush futuristic head of hair. The incredible geometry and dress shoes. What she sings, do not tell. Language her singing is impossible to understand without subtitles. But the manner of its execution, vocal, and the ability to present themselves to the public - is perfect!
She and Jeanne Aguzarova, the similarity is often credited with Jamal, definitely not from this planet. That is exactly what fascinates in Jamal. The singer does not like being compared to Joan Aguzarovoj or anyone else. Yet the now deceased Peruvian diva with a unique voice Yma Sumac Jamal relates with admiration.
Real name Jamala - Susanna Dzhamaladinova. Glory singer brought victory in the competition of young singers "New Wave - 2009" in Jurmala, Latvia. Jamal has a unique voice in the 4 octaves, which she was able to fully demonstrate the competition, prompting applause from the members of the jury.
Jamal was born in Kyrgyzstan and spent her childhood near Alushta Crimea. It in Alushta Jamal graduated from music school, piano class. In Simferopol Jamal studied at the School. PI Tchaikovsky in the class of opera singing. He is ending his musical education as a singer in Kyiv at the National Music Academy of Ukraine. PI Tchaikovsky in the class of the same opera singing.
Old-timers of various song contests in the post-Soviet space has long been not remember laureate with an outstanding unique singing and classical academic education in "opera singing", with which has Jamal.
There just is not blood in namesheno singer: Crimean Tatar, Armenian.
Now the singer 27 years, although she often offended and in an interview said that her 21.
"New Wave" - is not the only competition in which participated Jamal. In solo projects she is involved with 16 years. Back in 1992, Jamal could often be heard on the local Crimean radio, which aired on the children and the Crimean Tatar songs in her performance. On account of the singer's participation in such musical competitions as the "Star rain", "Living springs" in the international competition "1 Concorso Europeo Amici della musica» in Italy, in the festival of young performers "Dodzh junior 2006" as a vocalist «Beauty Band» and a special diploma at the same competition "Best Vocal", the Grand Prix of the international contest "Voices of the Future" in Russia, the third place in the vocal competition "Crimean Spring" special award "Dodge 2001".
Celebrities Jamala, who came after the "New Wave 2009" in Jurmala, also preceded by such landmark events as the joint concert in Moscow with the popular saxophonist Alexander Novosel'skii, as well as participation in 2007 as a soloist in the musical Helena Kolyadenko "Pa". By the way, in the last Jamal he was the only soloist. Sang can say for five, but it was able to demonstrate her voice five different characters. Unfortunately, the musical "Pa" failed due to the high cost of staging the economic crisis in the world and yet not be restored.
As for the "New Wave", that it was preparing Jamal six months. As recognized by the singer herself, winning the contest she went through a huge energy costs. Even representatives of the then Ukrainian authorities did not believe in its success in the singing contest, describing the work of the singer, as a bottleneck. After such a nervous shock Jamal no longer set up to participate in competitions. The singer puts on record an album, to shoot videos.
Jamal loves:
- Yoga
- In the music of gospel, soul, jazz, classical
- The harmony of shapes, colors that match her mood, outlook and its music ...
- On stage to feel a little bit "subject of the spectacle"
- Brown and green color
- Creation of a sample 90 Max Fadeev
Jamal does not like:
- When it is compared with other performers
- When asked about her acquaintance with A. Pugacheva
- Music wards Max Fadeev
Jamal will not:
-Zapisyvat Folk album
- Singing at weddings
- To participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, or any other competitions were
Jamal dreams of:
- On the international popularity
- Awards Music Awards
Music Library Jamala is not great. It consists of the following composite «Bell'amoremio», «History Repeating», «Mama's Boy", Crimean Tatar song "Eki Cesme" gospel «Glory» and Ukrainian folk song "Oh doeth miy Vershe." Jamal acknowledged that while singing in Jurmala last it is completely disconnected from the audience, the jury, the places in which there is, and when at the end of the song went back and realized where she was, then sincerely cry.
The latter pride Jamala - her video for the song "You're out of love."
Jamal says that the master of Russian stage Alla Pugacheva, who was among those who applauded singing Jamala in Jurmala standing, she never met.
Jamal is often credited with singing lessons with Nadia Maickel-Granovsky of sexually aggressive group "Via Gra". Jamal denied this, but at the same time willingly admits that some stars of modern show business it really studied singing and happy for those who are benefited.
In Jamala has its own page in the livejournal, but it is more like the official website of the singer, rather than a personal diary with their own thoughts.
Jamal is now fully immersed in the creation of the album, which she plans to call "Jamala". According to the singer, she does not want to do it "in a hurry" and just for the money. By the way, Jamal is very choosy in selecting the songs and is open to cooperation with composers and poets who will understand the power of her inner world. But as those in short supply, Jamal intends itself to write for themselves.
Today Jamal has lived and worked in Kiev, not married. Rumor has it that the singer is afraid of silence. So maybe its vociferous - it is a defensive reaction of the organism to this fear?
