Fitness program for breast
 Special exercises will help you to bring the chest muscles in tone, keep the correct posture and improve the relief of the arms and shoulders.

Beautiful by nature breasts - every woman's dream. Unfortunately, the ideal breast can boast few. Of course, it is possible to increase the size of the chest by surgical intervention. However, exercise is designed luminaries fitness, help keep the chest muscles toned, whereby, chest visual pop up slightly and permanently retain a good shape.

Inventory Study

• 2 dumbbells weighing 1, 5 kg.

• A chair for support

• Pad

Council.   Before training is very important to warm up the muscles before exercise so you should always do a warm-up. It should last at least 5 minutes.

Exercise 1

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, slightly bent, back straight, chest forward blades are summarized. Hands with dumbbells omitted along the body, bent at the elbows, palms facing inward.

On the exhale, slowly raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level and lower inspiratory. Then, as you exhale, lift them in front of him, palms down, parallel to the line of the floor and on a breath return to starting position.

Approaches:   2 sets of 6-8 repetitions. Rest between sets for 30-60 seconds.

Problem areas: average department back, and the front surface of the outer shoulder.

Council.   Try to breathe in a measured, following the rhythm of the movements. You can not hold your breath, otherwise it can lead to dizziness.

Exercise 2

Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet parallel and abut the floor. Spread the arms with dumbbells to the sides at shoulder level and bend them at right angles, palms outward, forearms parallel to each other. Tighten your abs and lift your buttocks off the floor. The body should form a straight line from head to knees.

Staying on the "bridge", as you exhale slowly raise your arms straight up so that they are directly above the shoulder joint. On the inhale, return the arms to the starting position. Repeat the exercise as many times and then lower your buttocks to the floor.

Approaches:   2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions. Rest between sets 30 seconds.

Problem areas:   chest, back of the thighs, the front of the shoulder, buttocks.

Council.   If you perform 12 repetitions in the approach, faster the fat burning process. If you do not want to thin the chest, do not do more than 10 repetitions.

Exercise 3

Take a starting position as in the previous exercise. Do not bend at the waist and keep your abdominal muscles tense. Hands lifting dumbbells above the chest, perpendicular to the floor. Expand palm inward, slightly bend your elbows.

On the inhale slowly dissolve hands in the parties precisely so that the shoulder joints, elbows and wrists are on the same line. Make sure that the hands were rounded, and the elbows are pointing outward. On the exhale, slowly return the arms to the starting position.

Approaches:   2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Problem areas:   chest, shoulder muscles.

Council.   If you intentionally burn fat, you need to arrange only a short respite - up to 30 seconds.

Exercise 4

Take dumbbells and sit on the edge of a chair with your knees bent so that they are directly under the heel and put the whole foot flat on the floor hip-width apart. Lean back back straight, lean shoulders back, pull your stomach and tighten your abs. Take the dumbbells, palms down and bring to your shoulders, bend your elbows, forearms parallel to the chest, wrist, above the shoulder joint.

Holding the body motionless, exhale slowly stretch your arms in front of him at the height of the chin, at right angles to the body. On the inhale as slowly return the arms to the starting position.

Approaches:   2-3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Problem areas:   chest muscles, front of the shoulder.

Council.   To recover after a workout is needed 1 day of rest. Do not do strength exercises on the same muscle group every day.

Exercise 5

Take a dumbbell in your left hand and stand sideways to the right support. Put your right foot in front of a step away from the left. Bend the right knee, bend your back straight so that the body was almost parallel to the floor, and place it on the palm of his right hand support. Pull belly. The right hand with a dumbbell is down and is just below the shoulder joint, palms facing inward.

On the exhale, bending your elbow at a right angle, pull your shoulders up and back, bringing to the body. On the inhale slowly straighten the arm. Make the required number of repetitions on one and then on the other hand - this will be one approach.

Approaches:   2-3 sets of 12 repetitions

Problem areas:   middle and upper back, back of the shoulder.

Council.   To avoid injury, do not elbow jerks and do not straighten your elbows to the end.

Exercise 6

Sit on the edge of a chair, bend your legs at right angles, with the feet should be shoulder width apart, step away from the chair and parallel to each other. Take hold of the edge of the chair seat and tighten your abdominal muscles.

On the inhale, bending arms at right angles, post pelvis forward and down, so that hips were in parallel with the line of the floor. On the exhale, slowly straighten your arms back to the starting position. Try to keep the main burden fell on the back of the shoulder muscles, and help yourself down.

Approaches:   2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Problem areas:   triceps.

Exercise 7

Take a dumbbell in your right hand, put your left foot in front of right, bending it at the knee. Lean your left hand on the left thigh and tilt the body parallel to the floor. Pull the dumbbell to the lower edges so that the shoulder line coincides with the line of the back, elbow move closer to the body and fix it. This starting position.

On the exhale, not putting his hand down, bend the elbow and straighten your arm back, parallel to the floor, stay in this position for 1-2 seconds. On the inhale slowly return to starting position. Perform the movement slowly and focus on the triceps. After completing the required number of repetitions, change hands and repeat on the other hand - it will be one approach.

Approaches:   2-3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Problem areas:   the upper and middle sections of the back, the inner surface of the shoulders and triceps.

Council.   Do not make any sudden movements and do not lift the dumbbell above shoulder level, there is a risk of damage to the joint.

Exercise 8

Take a dumbbell and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abs and lean forward until parallel to the floor, bend your knees slightly. Hands bend your elbows and lower down so that the shoulder joints, elbows and wrists are on the same line, and the shoulders are parallel to the floor. On the inhale slowly return your hands to the starting position - it will be a repeat. Staying in the slope, continue the exercise, repeating the entire sequence of movements many times as necessary.

Approaches: 2 sets of 4-6 repetitions of each movement.

Problem areas:   back, triceps, shoulder muscles.

Council.   Do not forget to keep on their toes abdominal muscles - it removes the burden from the spinal column, and do not bend at the waist.

Exercise 9

Take the dumbbells with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees slightly bent. Lean to the parallel to the floor, back straight, stomach in, your abdominal muscles are tense. Dip your hands so that your wrists are just below the shoulder joints, the back side of the hands facing forward, and the palms facing the knees.

Keeping body stationary, the output slowly pull the dumbbell to the lower ribs - elbows and shoulders are parallel to the floor line. On the inhale as slowly return the arms to the starting position and repeat as necessary.

Approaches:   2-3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Problem areas:   the rear surface of the shoulder, upper and middle sections of the back.
Author: Inna Sedykh