We often come across make-up tips that you need to pick up shades of makeup to your skin tone, the color of eyes, hair ... And have you ever thought, what are based on these recommendations? Is it possible to independently determine which shades of color cosmetics will present you in the best light?
It turns out that this is possible. If you know a few simple rules of make-up artists. They borrowed, incidentally, artists and colorists. And representatives of these professions are used for hundreds of years, if not longer.
1. Study the color wheel
The color wheel or color wheel - the cornerstone in understanding the rules of color. To make up the theory of complementary colors - a real salvation, because harmony is made up through additional colors. Additional referred pairs of colors that are opposite each other in the color wheel. For example, for the purple color is orange added. Conversely, for the orange - purple. These colors complement each other, hence the name. So far, remember this and try to put into practice.

2. Shadows
The biggest mistake - when women think that the selection of the color of eye shadow - a selection of the same color shades as the eyes. This is a wrong decision. Two blue tint does not add to each other the brightness and clarity, but on the contrary, make each other dull.
The right approach - work on complementary colors. For example, blue eyes blue shadows do not give expressiveness, but the bronze, copper and even red shades will help identify the pupil, making it a bright sapphire and turquoise.

For brown eyes are the most advantageous purple shade to green - brown, etc.

complementary color may indicate not only that a group must be chosen, but also the character color: cold or warm. If the complementary color to blue is red, then in principle, any warm shade will be more advantageous than any cold.

3. Blush
One of the main tips: blush - is not a product for konturinga face. That is, they are not "mold" shape of the face, do not change it. Blush add color to your face, animate it.
Second Council - is the right choice of color. Try to include your skin to one of two types: 1) ivory, beige; or 2) the bronze. For the first type should use light and bright colors, even chilly. A second type of approach is more dark and warm colors. Look at the color wheel: warm shades - all those who are closer to red, and cold - is closer to blue. Cold blush - those in which there is blue (blue), at least minimally.

In summer, almost any skin becomes warmer (because of sunburn, even very light), so summer blush should be warmer than winter.
And the third rule - do not use blush darker shade than your own natural blush. It should pinch the skin on the cheeks and easily beat the fingertips, and you will see what can be color saturation.
Bronzer makeup artists belong to the universal product, that is, for it is not subject to the rules of selection of colors on a "warm-cold." Because the bronzer - a shade of tan skin, it may be present on the skin of any tone. And is suitable as a bronzer to warm, olive, and a light skin. The only question is the color intensity of bronzer.
4. Lipstick
First, use the rule that dark colors make the subject less visually, and light - on the contrary, are expanding. Here's a simple example of how this works: the circle is absolutely the same size, but looks less black and the white - more.

Therefore, the thin lips better to choose a light lipstick, but not dramatic plum.
Another rule for choosing colors for the lips - a matching skin tone. The theory is the same as when choosing a blush: for the cool skin tone, you can choose a cool color of lipstick and warm colors suit lipstick shades for darker complexion.

Consider also the eye makeup. Well, if lipstick is the same color group as the shadows. That is, if the shadow of the cold - the cold and lipstick. If the warm shade, then choose a lipstick warm. Harmonious forms part of the most advantageous solution.
