Time for a trip to the sea Vita chose not successful. Though the case and went to the equator of the summer on the coast blew uncharacteristic high season piercing wind, and the beach was decorated sad sign saying "Storm. No swimming". One pleasing to the eye: the entire recreation center, where in one of the cottages stopped Vita, drowning in the well-kept rose garden.
However, the raging wind and then broke the flowers and buds regal elastic somewhere just after lying on the ground. And then the girl's hand involuntarily reached for him to stick still alive flower in her hair. It gave Vita mood, and her way of romance. And let the whole holiday for the girl managed only once to swim in the sea unkind, she will remember this season as a season of live fragrant roses in her hair.
But you do not think I told you this story to call to buy real flowers, or what is worse, to tear them from the beds and use them to make intricate hairstyles. Though, that a woman is transformed on the background color. And no matter what: whether they are in a bouquet seated brooch on the chest or thoughtfully serving head of hair clips.
But the life of a flower is short-lived and probably would be mad extravagance to buy flowers for embellishment of hair, which has recently become very popular. After all, to try on the fashionable trend and can be a more affordable way.
Firstly, barrettes in the form of flowers very believable masters learned to make hand-made from the same polymer clay. Second, the sale appeared barrettes, headbands and hoops, which with a cloth and plastic perfectly simulated real flowers.
The idea of ​​decorating the hair color is not new. A flower has always been more available women than needlework ornament. At last you need to get more material resources, and the flower - here it is, a number growing. Just stretch out his hand, and a great addition to the hair ready. That is why, perhaps, we find flowers in her hair on the image of women all over the world and of all ages.
Hair ornaments in the shape of flowers are good because they are amazingly versatile and suitable for all types and hair colors. They look feminine holders of both straight and curly hair as blonde and a brunette babe with. And if you know your tsvetotip, then you do not have a problem to choose the right shade of a flower so that it is most profitable emphasized the color of your skin in harmony with the color of the eyes. If you do not have such knowledge, it does not matter. Just do not hesitate at the counter with ornaments for the hair in the form of flowers: to measure again and again. And once in the mirror will play a harmonious way, you will realize that you have found your flower.
Oh, and how original you are watching in the crowd with a flower in her hair, and can not speak. Therefore, ladies wishing to be seen, to attract attention, the flowers are absolutely necessary for the hair to emphasize their individuality. After all, sometimes such decoration is not just an original addition to the overall image, but the main focus of all locker ensemble.
By the way, many ladies are not averse to public flower hair ornaments. Hilary Svong, for example, has chosen here a metal flower to decorate their hairstyles:
And Christina Aguilera has repeatedly tried on hair colors to different shades:
Bright blonde Paris Hilton seemed born to wear floral decorations in their hair:
Scarlett Johansson and Mila Jovovich prefer floral motifs in a duet with a hoop for hair:
Designers confirm the fashion of flower hair ornaments, experimenting with hairstyles of the models. For example, said this trend in its collection Spring-Summer 2011 Marc Jacobs:
Julia has long been eyeing the hair ornaments in the shape of flowers. Finally, she walked resolutely to the trade shop to pick out one of them. To her wheat-gray hair came incredibly orchid. Julia did not even shoot it with the hair, the seller has paid off and returned to the office. But behind her desk immediately was disappointed. One of the male colleagues, looked at the girl in an unusual decoration, just to mock: "This is what we have here for Carmelita? "
Yes, perhaps the office - yet not quite the place where appropriate decoration of flowers in their hair, especially if the past - massive and catchy. Therefore, hesitating to beautify hair flower, going to work, this well weigh, how it will comply with the dress code, and how you yourself will feel comfortable in the workplace in a new image. If you can not wait to decorate it with flowers office hairstyle, then look at the small "crabs" for the hair in the form of flowers. They can be used effectively to decorate your hair in a bun or an elegant shell. These decorations are quite acceptable and even a boring office dilute harmonious way will make it more feminine.
For sports style, perhaps, flowers in her hair out of place, too. Here's a prime example of how to wear a floral decoration is not:
But if wearing a flower in her hair in the office and with sportswear is questionable, the beach, the resort, the Sunday walks in the country, themed parties, summer exit for a cocktail, beach disco decoration more current and relevant than a lush flower hair, and think hard.
Perfect flower in her hair and elegant hairstyles on the occasion of celebrations like the prom, a wedding, etc.
Do not be afraid to wear flowers! Can you imagine if the majority of the town the ladies take to the streets with flowers in her hair? Our metropolis suddenly become front gardens blooming. We try?
