Good summer at the beach. Blowing breeze. The sea water is clear and tones. Well ... And if holidays are not expected, or it is over? How to escape from the city heat, generously flavored with heated asphalt and concrete structures? Of course, all the modern rooms are air-conditioned for the determination in a single enclosed space, the most comfortable temperature. But not everyone is fortunate to have at its disposal the artificial coolness. And in theaters, public transport and even on the streets to receive cooled air or elementary his movement at all problematic. And then escape any fashionista would be "powdered with mothballs" fan. Yes, the same fan who bashfully covered face medieval Japanese and European ladies fanned themselves languidly on scores of 16-18 centuries. Veer relevant again!
For the right to be called the birthplace of fans are still arguing among themselves, Japan, India and China. About the coming to Europe this simple accessory tells us portraits of 16-18 centuries, in which the ladies happy to pose for artists with fans. Pompous procession fashion fan for Europe of 16-18 centuries made from a small vane is not only a fashion accessory. Options fans were much wider.
Luxury fan of wooden slats sheet or openwork, decorated with feathers, embroidery, jewels, poems, even hand-painted famous painters were once the perfect gift lady. Queen Elizabeth is rightly considered the patroness of fans. After all, the only permitted a gift from his subjects crowned heads at her court was just a fan.
We used a fan not only for the creation of artificial ventilation, but also to protect from the sun, flying insects. Flirt in his time managed to prodelyvat in their cephalic fan and the holes to attach a small mirror to undetectable spying for the interests of individuals.
It has survived and fans a special language with which the lady could in a crowded room to convey a secret message to his cavalier. Thus, sharply folded fan meant the rejection of the courtship of a young man, open fan described arc warned that for the lovers watched. If a woman coquettishly covered his chest expanded like a fan, that thus she would ask her boyfriend to be restrained. If the girl wanted to dance, then it was enough, looking at interesting things to her partner several times to swing open like a fan over. And so on and so forth. The young ladies of that time painstakingly taught the language of fans and fun to use it for social events.
Since the 20th century fan was forgotten, remaining a bright props on the stage. But today this spectacular accessory is experiencing a rebirth. Many celebrities of our time do not stop this spectacular accessory. The famous fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld has made a fan integral part of their image.
Mr. Lacroix reminded his contemporaries that the fan is not the lot of boxes with the ladies' accessories. Men with fans do not look feminine, confirmation of what we find in history. In medieval Japan, fans are an essential attribute of the military commanders. A fan on a pole stuck in the ground indicating the location of a horse commander.
Antonio Banderas with a fan. Still from the film with the actor.
Stars of show business with pleasure come with exclusive fan on secular parties, interviews, fashion shows, photo shoots for glossy.
Sofia Rotaru
Beautiful Fergie
Members of the group "Factory" at a party on the occasion of Chinese New Year
Actress Natalya Andreichenko
Designers also are looking at this as an accessory fan. Thus, the Spanish actress Rossy de Palma has participated in the creation of summer collection of Louis Vuitton, bringing a collection of mini-fans The Eye of Conscience. Price is one of the webs, among other things, € 400. It is assumed that these fans snap up quickly on extravagant gifts special.
Designer Dasha Gauser not included in his collection of dresses webs, but the elements are present in the fan design models it has developed.
Gradually, thanks to the courageous and daring fashionistas fan roamed in everyday ordinary people. Today few people are surprised young lady, proud procession through the streets of the city with wide open like a fan, or a languid beauty, fanning a small table, a fan of street cafes.
This accessory is very compact and fits almost any purse. In addition, its cost is less than the usual price set ladies' jewelry. All this makes it very attractive for the ladies who want to stand out from the crowds. With the fan you are effectively and entirely appropriate to look at the theater box, at a party, a secular event. The fan will help you out during the stay in the city transport, when the heat can not save open windows and hatches taxi. Mobile cool with a fan is available to you during a forced walk on the hot city street.
Very flirty, fresh and appropriate to look to the fans of the bride in a magnificent dress.
In addition to the successful completion of your image fan can also be a very bright accent in the interior of your home. It was he who recognized masters of Feng Shui one of the most effective means of adjustment to your life-a vector. It is believed that properly located in the interior of the home fan space, able to attract into your life a lot of positive energy Qi. The most optimal place the fan in the bedroom or office. In the first case it is important not to hang a fan above the bed, and close to the head. In the second - the fan is fixed behind the working person. It is also permissible to place a fan in the corridor or near the staircase.
Be that as it may, the fan returns, and its elements are very relevant and not beaten. Hurry to stand out and to pass extravagant in using this simple accessory!
