What is Spa? Part 2
 Mud in recent years as one of the most popular SPA - procedures, it is widely used in physiotherapy. Mud masks and body wraps help with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, muscle diseases, peripheral nervous system, gynecological diseases and respiratory diseases.

The curative mud relieves spasms, relieves pain, eliminates skin irritation, inflammation heals, cures neuroses, relieves depression and has a beneficial effect on many vital processes. The fact that the natural mud contains a large quantity of biologically active substances (salts of humic acids have unique properties effects on metabolism, amino acid, hormone, vitamins and minerals) which favorably affect the organism.

This also applies PARAFFIN   - This application and paraffin baths. All of this is used as a warming procedure in the treatment of diseases of the joints and of the musculoskeletal system, and in cosmetology - for softening, nutrition and hydration skin, cellulite treatment, and as mitigating and warming trays for hands and feet with the procedures of manicure and pedicure.

Use and Balneotherapy   - Spa treatments (baths and showers). This TALLASSOTERAPIYA   - The use of sea water, sea mud treatments, seaweed, sand and general marine climate for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. At the heart of tallasoterapii lie massage showers, baths, mud - and hydrotherapy. Water treatments tallasoterapii carried out only on the basis of sea water, heated to a temperature 32 to 35 degrees, at which sea water is really healing. But this process takes place only at sea, as the sea water is not used a second time.

Aromatherapy and light therapy - this is one of the SPA - procedures.

Aromatherapy   It uses as a means of healing aromatic essential oils. These molecules act directly on the limbic system of the brain responsible for emotions, and therefore instantly relieves stress, improve mood, relieve fatigue, relax or, conversely, invigorate. In aromatherapy mass of supporters and almost no contraindications, except that an allergy to a particular oil.

Light therapy   (or phototherapy) - a treatment with bright light, which acts through the retina to the hypothalamus and the pineal gland in the brain, reducing the level of melatonin and increases serotonin. The hormone serotonin - the main "assistant" fast falling asleep and restful sleep, which is why phototherapy is used mainly for the treatment of insomnia and headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome.

All these basic procedures, typical for almost any SPA - resort. And, of course, the existence of procedures depends on where geographically is a particular resort, on what are the main natural factors have a place in which it is located.

To be continued…
Author: Margarita Glushchenko