Yes, you read that correctly, we want to introduce you to a dress that can be worn three ways 24. Dress-transformer from the eco-designer from Canada.
METAmorph Dress - that's the name of this wonderful dress, its creator Canadian designer Sonja den Elzen. Creation Sonja suitable for women of any body can be adapted to any season.
Sonja den Elzen said that every woman should have in her wardrobe this dress. It is comfortable at all stages of pregnancy may be evening or everyday outfit.

Short, long, sleeved, sleeveless, one-shoulder, no shoulder ... - a lot of options
Material - ecologically clean stretch jersey fabric. Dress is presented in three sizes (for petite women, the standard figure and high), and in five colors.

But that's not all. Designer promises that some of the money from the sale of each dress she went to charity. Now this unique dress is represented in 82 of the Canadian dollar on the website indiegogo.com. But only accepted orders, delivery to customers will begin in May 2014.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina