L'Etoile sélection announced the launch of the Christmas collection of make-up and accessories. The collection is called Sa Beaute - Son Armure ("Her beauty - her armor").
The heroine of the Christmas collection
Sa Beaute - Son Armure
a strong woman who, day by day to overcome difficulties, does not bend under the blows of fate, do not lose heart, and believe that everything will be fine.
The prototype was the heroine
Joan of Arc
- The national symbol of France, and the face of the collection -
Patricia Kaas
- An icon of style, the singer who proved his creativity, that fragile woman enough strength and courage to stay true to himself and his principles, and in the hearts of love, no matter how tragic the circumstances evolved.
Glitter precious metals - the main trend of the season, which is reflected in almost the entire collection of makeup, jewelry and accessories
Sa Beaute - Son Armure
Silver, gold, bronze, and crimson, and the dramatic combination of black and pure white can create a radiant image of a woman warrior, exhibiting the strength, perseverance, but it remains soft and feminine.
Transparent compact powder
eliminates any imperfections leveling skin color and removes shine.

- A universal tool that can be used as a highlighter or a base for make-century. Choose a shade (gold or pink gold) and applied to the eyelids, face, cheeks and even the chest area, creating a unique igruyu light glare.
Matte shades of satin moisturizing lipstick
Rouge L'Etoile
Christmas collection at L'Etoile is not for selection
the faint of heart: blood-red and purple bloodlust soif de vengeance. Himself, and they will only be able to try the most daring and desperate.
Star product collection - five color reticulation shadows
Les Parisiennes
Allowing current to create smoky eyes in fashion
"Metallic" interpretation. All shades palettes blend beautifully with each other and allow you to create a variety of images, not limiting themselves by whatever it was bound.

Eye liner
deep black color. It can be applied in one motion, to sum them both external and internal eyelid. Through lean powdery texture it does not spread and are not printed, and a special form of slate leads to the line of accurate, easily varying its thickness depending on the pressure.

Nail polishes
in the collection "Her beauty - her armor," created for these warriors. They can be applied either alone or combined with each other by using purple and black shades as a base, and gold and silver as the top cover (in this case the particles foil shine like the real diamonds).

Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova