From 16 to 19 September 2013 in "Expocentre" at Krasnaya Presnya (Moscow) will host the 2nd International Specialized Exhibition "BARBECUE EXPO 2013" - the only Russian exhibition of equipment, supplies, tools and accessories for barbecue, grilling, barbecue, and also the whole complex of related products for outdoor recreation.
"BARBECUE EXPO 2013" will organize the largest Russian exhibition company "Euroexpo" with the assistance of the Russian Association of BBQ and World Barbeque Association Russia, the Association of producers of goods for the BBQ - BIAG (Germany), with the support of "Expocenter".
Exhibitors include the world's largest manufacturers of equipment for the barbecue: Beefeater, BIAG - Barbecue Industry Association Grill (Germany / Europe), Big Green Egg, Grillkoff, Primo Grill, Weber Stephen, Marshall Smokers, Euro Grill and others.
In 2013, expected to be attended by over 100 companies from 11 countries: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, France, Germany, Italy, China, Australia and others. Participants from Germany and China will present their products in a collective national expositions.
In preparation for the exhibition a personal invitation to visit the exhibition received more than 100 thousand. Experts - representatives of wholesale and retail trade, public catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, catering) as well as private consumers.
The exhibition is widely covered in the Russian and foreign mass media:
• The main media partner of the exhibition in the sector HoReCa - «RestoratorChef";
• Information partner of the South of Russia and the Volga region - "Line of taste";
• Informational support - Fire & Food, HoReCa Magazine, Food Service;
• Information Internet partners - Povarёnok.ru, Menu.ru, Oborud.info
• Thematic online partner - Food-court.ru

New products at the exhibition "EXPO 2013 BBQ":
• The company Euro-Grill for the first time in the Russian market will present coal and gas grills Napoleon® (Canada) that is appreciated in Europe. The presentation will take place on a show of culinary guru - an expert number one in Germany for a barbecue Andreas Rummel.
• The company Primo Grills and Smokers will introduce its new line of ceramic grills, popular in the United States, will hold master classes and tastings.
Thematic sections:
• Coffee: barbecues, grills, barbecues, Smoker - coal, gas, electric;
• Tools, accessories and a barbecue;
• Means of ignition (liquid and solid);
• Means cleaning equipment;
• Fuel - coal, coal briquettes, evrodrova, pellets, wood chips;
• Protective equipment - masks, goggles, protivoozhogovye kits, fire extinguishers, protection from insect bites;
• Clothing barbecue - aprons, leather, clothing, footwear, headgear;
• Heat-resistant paint for painting equipment barbecue;
• Equipment for the open area - tents, garbage containers, tables, chairs, lighting;
• Mobile refrigerators, Thermo;
• Crockery, cutlery, picnic sets;
• Semi-finished products for barbecue - meat, fish, poultry;
• Sauces, seasonings, marinades and spices;
• Professional literature on the barbecue and specialized magazines.
The program "EXPO 2013 BBQ":
• Barbecue show "The whole pig on the grill" - 16 September;
• Festival of the best Russian chefs «Best of the Best BBQ Russia» - 17 September;
• Cup journalists BBQ - 18 September;
• Workshops, shows, presentations, tastings of the exhibitors.
Ceremonial opening of an exhibition
held on September 16 in the open area at the Pav.№5. Beginning at 12:00. Honorable guests of the opening: Artem Vartanovich Yengoyan - president of the Russian Association Barbecue and World Barbeque Association, Elmar Fletcher - Chief editor of Fire & Food (Germany) and others.
On the open area near the pass Pav.№5
extensive program of activities
That will provide exhibitors and visitors the opportunity to see and appreciate all the variety of products for barbecue, grilling and barbecue, as well as visit the workshops of famous gurus.
On the first day of the exhibition will be held
BBQ show "The whole pig on the grill '
- It is fried whole pig on a giant grill. Event Organizer: Russian Association of BBQ. Partners show: Agribusiness Holding "Miratorg", LLC "Barbecue House», Kotanyi.
In the second day of the exhibition Russian Association will hold a BBQ Festival
, Which will feature 6 top professional grill bosses largest restaurants. Festival participants will prepare dishes in 4 categories: fish, poultry, red meat, dessert. Partner Festival Best of The Best and culinary workshops exhibition will be an Australian company «BeefEater», which will provide program participants his famous gas grills.
On the third day of the exhibition Russian Association will hold a BBQ
Journalists Cup
. The competition will be attended by representatives of the media, who will prepare meals on the grill.
Learn more about the exhibition, please visit www.bbqexpo.ru
RUSSIA open the world of big BBQ!
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova