Lena Lenina, model and writer, author of over 20 best-selling, the owner of more than 100 stores in the Network manicure studio Lena Lenina, but also the creator of a special series of shampoos Lovely by Egomania & ELena Lenina, share with our readers of the secrets on how to avoid mistakes when choosing a shampoo and to keep their hair healthy.
Lena Lenina explain their choice in favor of natural cosmetics is simple - it is not only aware of the beneficial properties of plant foods on the plate, but also knows how important it is to pamper your hair with natural masks from chamomile broth, egg yolks, butter. But being a busy man, she just did not have time for it to mix and shake the jar to the broth. Therefore own series of shampoos can be considered a gift Lena herself, but also his followers -Business, successful and active women.
- Lena, why did you decide to engage in the production of cosmetics?
- In the history of cosmetics production it is often found questionable or even hazardous substances. Two centuries ago, for example, added in powdered heavy metal compounds or flour which has dried the skin and clogs the pores, leading to premature aging of skin. And these days some of the eyeshadow or lipstick cheaper brands added lead or aluminum.
- Today, many talk about the dangers of parabens in creams and shampoos. What are they harmful?
- Parabens - a terrible enemy of female beauty that long to shield the cosmetic industry. The popularity is due to their effectiveness parabens as preservatives in the manufacture of cosmetics, besides, they are cheap, and the history of their use has a couple of decades. Of course, some components similar to parabens can be found in plants that have antiseptic properties, but, as you know, the ones used by manufacturers of shampoos, mined mostly synthetically. Of course, in small doses, parabens, maybe not so terrible, but we especially women use creams, toothpaste and shampoo every day! But parabens tend to accumulate in the body and cause allergic reactions.
- What sort of shampoo you use yourself?
- As a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and natural food, I decided to create her own line of shampoo Lovely by Egomania & Elena Lenina with aphrodisiacs
. I did not just come up with the product name, and watch closely what components are part of a whole new line of hair
. And it's not just about erotikostimuliruyuschih essential oils
. For me, as a man versed in cosmetics and natural remedies, it is important that the shampoos and conditioners were not part of any parabens or SLS / SLES, or sulfates
. By the way, readers note: always pay attention to what is written on the packaging
. Do not buy shampoo, which include silicones, mineral oil, phthalates, or sodium lauryl sulfate
. A Sodium lauryl sulfate is simply not allowed in cosmetics, especially for the kids! Regarding phthalates, they are in daily contact with the skin and the body, can cause infertility in women and men, as well as cause of cancer

- But now it is impossible to imagine a shampoo, in which absolutely no chemical additives!
- Qualitative shampoo consists of about thirty chemical components. Manufacturers of well-known brands have names of ingredients on the label in descending order. And what in the shampoo longer introduced the chemical components and less natural, the cheaper will cost tool. Therefore, I do not advise you to save on themselves and not buy shampoo in specially designated places and cheaper. In fact, besides the long-term effect of the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, it is also aesthetically obvious effect after a couple of trips to the shower - it's fading, brittle hair, and even dandruff. But hair follicles are given to us in a certain amount and for a lifetime! And brunettes, and even more red-haired, and does less than blondes. And if they hurt poor-quality tool, new in their place will not grow. You're not ready for the image of Vladimir Ilyich?
- What are the elements you use to create its line of hair?
- In our series of shampoos, in conjunction with specialists Egomania we added a mild detergent on a natural basis - from coconut oil fatty acids. Conditioning additives are used to give hair smooth, healthy shine and ESD. It is useful and necessary supplements, which are not found in cheap shampoos. Also, we used natural supplements such as ginseng and cocoa butter, argan oil, sweet almond, grape seed extract, chamomile, aloe vera. After using this shampoo hair soft, loose comb, easy to fit into the hair, have a healthy sheen, not electrified, and a wonderful smell.
In addition, part of the natural shampoos include natural and essential oils - aphrodisiac, which not only give unmatched flavor of the hair, but also raise the vitality, mood and self-confidence in women and sexual mood in men. Nature has given us everything we need in order to be beautiful. You just need to learn how to use this resource.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova