On the eve of the New Year, we caught the beautiful Lena Lenin on Skype in Paris and asked her to share with us the secrets of her beauty and personal care. She told us that the main feature of feminine beauty she considers health as the main sign of grooming - the quality of skin and nail.
Lena, what are your main secrets of beauty care in winter?
In winter, the body lacks vitamins
. So I take vitamins in addition to tablets and try to eat more fruit
. Also, understanding the importance of the sun and vitamin D, which appears in the body exposed to the sun, I try to at least five minutes a day to draw the screwed-up face of the winter sun is not Sun, and for vitamins
. But most importantly, winter skin, particularly the face and hands exposed to rough handling low temperatures and need additional care
. For the face, I use more fat and nutritious cream in the morning under makeup and at night, the night
. But for the perfect hand I practice a fashionable lately paraffin, which is an excellent way to make the skin of hands and feet of a beautiful, moisturized, healthy
. After this magical treatment the skin becomes whiter hydrated
. Paraffin can be done all year round, but it becomes particularly acute during the change of seasons and winter, when your skin is very sensitive, dry, weather-beaten, crack and peel
. Paraffin was the salvation for me, because I have the nature of the dry skin of hands
. And if in paraffin and add your favorite essential oil, it achieved total relaxation and peace of mind
Can I do this procedure myself?
It is very difficult, so I try to drop any of the web studio manicure studio Lena Lenina and make it a professional masters
. It is very nice
. Paraffin has a warming and relaxing effect, it is used melted at temperatures up to 54 degrees to the viscous mass of stringy white
. Paraffin is used even for treatment of trauma, diseases of the joints, pain in arms and legs
. Due to the fact that cooling down, the paraffin is reduced in size, it is compressed after 25 minutes, clasps hands skin and smoothes the skin
. This allows you to eliminate puffiness
. Usually, the wax is applied lotion or moisturizer
. The positive effect of paraffin is visible after the first procedure and saved about seven days
. Paraffin make smooth and delicate, not only skin, but also to stop
. The wax is present a special emulsion of vitamin E, this ingredient has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and resolving property
And not hot?
Paraffin has low thermal conductivity, is slowly giving heat to your hands, so hard to get burned
. Handles must be immersed in warm paraffin, 3 to 5 times
. After dipping his hands wrapped in protective bags
. Top wear double gloves specifically for paraffin
. In this state, your hands are 10-15 minutes
. At this point, your skin is increased by 1-2 degrees
. The upper stratum corneum softened by the hot wax
. Expanding the extracellular space
. This leads to open the pores, perspiration, and toxins found salts
. Gradually wax cools
. Nutritional components of the cream, with this evaporated moisture to penetrate into the pores of the closing
. The secret is that the particles of slag particles larger nourishing cream
. After 15 minutes, the slag can not get back into the skin, and the cream can
. Thereafter, with the packages removed mittens
. Use protective bags with remnants of wax ejected
. Disposable cloth or paper towel wiped your skin to clear toxins from the skin, from which it was possible to get rid of
. The final stage is the application to the skin of the hand barrier cream
. The result of the procedure becomes purified of toxins, energized and well-groomed skin cream
. For me it is very important to have a significant model-pen, because my hands looked meticulously all, who knows what network manicure studio Lena Lenina has more than 70 showrooms
. So I do paraffin from the girls in the cold season every week

Lena Lenina and asked us not to be surprised if any of its nail studio we accidentally run into her star friends from show business. They are something it has long been accustomed runs into the network without an appointment and quickly bring their beauty in order.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova