October - is the month of the fight against breast cancer. The company has released a series of varnishes ORLY Pretty in Pink with large glitter pink shades. After all, the color pink says about love of life and hope that is what helps in countering cancer.
Information about the need for prevention of the disease - the most important mission, because the number of women dying from breast cancer is enormous. 20% of the profits from the sale of the collection
Pretty in Pink
it will be donated for this purpose. After all, with the early diagnosis of the disease, there is a good chance of a full recovery! 3 lacquer series are very symbolic names:
"You are not alone", "be brave"
Each bottle collection
Pretty in Pink
attached pink ribbon - the symbol of awareness programs about how to diagnose and treat this type of cancer. goal
- Not to remain indifferent to this global problem, and draw attention to it.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova