Reebok EasyTone sneakers are designed for those who want to lose weight, even during normal walking. Despite many doubts consumers still EasyTone technology remains attractive and advertising sneaker with tonic effect attracted the world's most famous beauties.
In 2012, the face of Reebok EasyTone campaign became a supermodel Miranda Kerr.
Promo Tour now goes to Europe. Munich (Germany) was an interesting case. At a meeting with journalists, the star was asked whether she does "swallow" the advertising poster sneakers. In response, Miranda bravely demonstrated flexibility and repeated one-to-one advertising photo.
I went and talk about what makes Miranda for his own youth and beauty. No surprises: a healthy diet and exercise. About food model says so: 80% - a healthy meal for the good, and 20% - for personal pleasure. "I do not believe that we should be too hard on yourself. We are here to enjoy life "- Miranda explains his approach.
As for exercise, but now it is only yoga and sneakers EasyTone.
Photo: Reebok
Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina