Dear friends! Many of you know that our site, Diets.ru among the group MediaFort sites. Some of you even know that I, along with the development and general Diets do pr our entire group of sites. (Now it is known to all-all-all) Sometimes this work involves tedious long negotiations. Sometimes - with interesting and lively discussions. And sometimes, for example, today, with a fan and excitement: a matter of professional honor for me to participate in the photo contest was Miss Online 2012 urged diluted (and without that, however, Neskuchniy) professional conference of workers of the Internet industry.
And, of course, me, personally and professionally will be pleasing your support and votes cast for my photo. Give them a snap - just click on the heart VKontakte recognizable in the lower left corner of the photo or to give him his very feysbukovskogo Like, whose button is located below the photo on the right. Vote for the photo here. For me and my colleagues that create our websites is important to your recognition. Though, in my opinion, and photos, selected by the organizers at the end of the photo shoot is not so pleasant to me, as it could have - honestly, honestly, in my life I will never smile so grimly)
And, of course, do not save your voice - give it to all participants that you like. Internet is still largely - male toy and each of the girls as well, or else working in this field - a pioneer. And this is - is respect, sympathy and click on Like.
Voting will continue until 19 April 16-00.
Author: Tatiana Dmitrieva
Source: Diets.ru