15-year-old school girl almost died after using tampons
 Such cases are rare: only one woman out of three million can experience toxic shock from the use of tampons in the critical days. In the UK, 15-year-old Paige Roffey got into such a rare situation.

The girl used a swab only 4 hours, she fell unconscious when she was at home. She was immediately taken to doctors ambulance. Experts do not immediately identified what was wrong. Thinking that it is a virus, even the girl was sent home first, but repeated fainting and schoolgirl again brought to the doctors.

Paige was already in a very serious condition when doctors make the correct diagnosis - toxic shock. It arose from the use of tampons girl. Toxic shock is characterized by the penetration of bacteria into the bloodstream. Schoolgirl on two days entered into a state of artificial coma, so severe was her condition. At that time, she was injected with powerful drugs, fighting for her life, she was on the verge of death.

Mom girl, 39-year-old Sarah, confesses that had already begun to think about his daughter's funeral. She and her husband never for a moment left the bed sick daughter, changing each other constantly. Fortunately, the state of Paige has improved and she was able to leave the hospital after 10 days.

Status Toxic shock is a rare phenomenon, but it is very dangerous to life. It occurs when bacteria in principle, safe for the skin and living on the surface of the skin, enter the blood stream and begin to emit dangerous toxins. One of the first symptoms - drop in blood pressure. Other symptoms such as muscle aches and diarrhea, can be confused with an intestinal infection or stomach flu.

Now mother and daughter are trying to do everything, to tell people about toxic shock, Paige distribute leaflets about the dangers of toxic shock in his school. Paige used tampons Tampax, producer representatives assured that the recovery glad schoolgirl, but in turn they conduct independent research on the effects of the use of tampons, and these studies are not yet completed.

Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina