In the autumn on TV screens will go commercials with her participation, and the picture will adorn the packaging Jana Day and Night Cream and Intensive Serum OLAY Total Effects.
Beautiful, famous, successful - all these epithets apply equally to Yana Rudkovsky. She, like many women in our country, lives a very busy life, which is painted literally by the minute. Career, family, work, friends ... how to do everything, and at the same time to look your best?
Yana Rudkovsky has a secret of youth and beauty. Yang met with the products of the brand OLAY many years ago:
"I loved OLAY before its appearance in Russia, so I bought these funds in Europe and America"
- Said Yana.
OLAY Total Effects
Yana Rudkovsky says not only as potrebitelnits cosmetic products, but also as an expert in skin care. Dermatologist by profession, she has achieved success in business, establishing a network of cosmetic clinics. Then she opened a chain of luxury boutiques of clothes, and in 2005 came to show business, becoming the producer of the singer Dima Bilan, who in 2008 brought Russia's first victory in "Eurovision".

"As a cosmetologist, I understand the effectiveness of the products. I have worked with many professional lines and can not afford any cosmetic brands, but even in spite of this, OLAY really makes me admire. Funds Total Effects perfectly moisturize skin, improve complexion, reduces visibility of the capillary pattern, tightens pores, making them less visible "
- Says Yana Rudkovsky.
Very soon it will be able to talk about the advantages of
OLAY Total Effects
all over the country. In the autumn on TV screens will go commercials featuring Yana Rudkovsky and stars adorn the packaging Photo Day and Night Cream and Intensive Serum
OLAY Total Effects
"When I first tried the cream OLAY Total Effects, struggling with 7 signs of skin aging, I realized that this is one of the most luxurious cosmetic products that have ever been in my life. I have tried a lot of money, and finally, I found a cream that gives me everything I was looking for. It really works! I think all the women in our country should fall in love with this product! "
- Says Yana.

Looking at the line
OLAY Total Effects
professional look, Yana Rudkovsky notes the importance of the dignity of cosmetics - versatility, which is important for women leading an active lifestyle. Built on a unique composition of antioxidants and vitamins, food
OLAY Total Effects
helping the skin to cope immediately with the 7 signs of age-related changes of the skin, making it healthy, supple and radiant.
"I'm 35, I love my age, I like the way I look. And I think that with the help OLAY Total Effects, I have all the chances to preserve youthfulness, good complexion and naturalness"
- Adds Ian.
Already this fall, Yana Rudkovskaya asks Russians on television:
"I changed my care OLAY Total Effects. And you?"
Author: MyCharm.ru: Lavrushina Lyudmila