The new style has prompted us to show Autumn / Winter 2011-12 from Kinder Aggugini. And it looks fresh and varnish as you can save!
The bottom line - you need not just a nail, that this did not look like a nail broken away, and you need a sparkling cover with sequins.
In the center of each nail hold only one thin strip of varnish (need thin brush), and all! Of course, this style of the condition of nails should be ideal. Hopefully, after the summer with the absence of stress and a lot of vitamins in all this. And the nails do not need long, semicircular shape.
Here it is, a new style, which was demonstrated at the catwalk Kinder Aggugini, use blue glittering blue nail polish and glitter:
And this is what we tried to recreate. Here the varnish Chanel, shade Vendetta:

Author: Julia Gnedina