Last Friday, at the club Pacha Moscow hosted finals Silicone Dream, the main prize of which was a free breast augmentation surgery by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Shihirmana (Dr. Eduard Shihirman MD).
At the confluence of the secular public award ceremony was the winner. She was the charming haired Angelica Zhdanov, which for the occasion dressed in trademark suit club dancers. It is this last month during the first stage of the competition and vote Silicone Dream has gained the most popularity among the guests of the club. Charm, grace and femininity, which showed Miss Zhdanov in its September output on stage, won all!
Besides the name of the certificate to create a charming lush breasts from a plastic surgeon Edward Shihirmana, the girls were handed Natrelle silicone implants from a reputable American manufacturer - the corporation Allergan. Representatives of the group in Russia in the face of the leaders of "Family Health" was personally present at the party to congratulate the winner. Silicone lovely Angelica dreams become reality!
Already this month, the girl will be carried out free plastic surgery to improve the volume and shape of the breast, and the results of the winner has agreed to tell Plastic4you in an exclusive interview. Presenting a gift certificate to Ms. Zhdanova, Edward Shihirman with his usual professionalism noticed that the breast should get exceptionally beautiful.
Excitement around the Silicone Dream does not cease! That same evening, on a separate dance floor of the club competed dozen new contenders for the astounding breasts from Dr. Shihirmana. The girls in elegant black linen were in the fashion show and dance show, as desired by them is sexy chest. Throughout the evening, guests of the club voted for the one that, in their opinion, is worthy of victory.
Choice of our portal was awarded the candidates at number 7. But who will get another certificate for a free breast augmentation surgery from Dr. Shihirmana Natrelle implants and we will find out very soon - in the next party Silicone Dream in Pacha Moscow, where the organizers will be counted vote. Watch the calendar of events and a club ... maybe silicone your dreams come true!
Below is a photo gallery from the party ...

Author: Julia Gnedina