To look fashionable and stylish, not necessarily every weekend to go shopping and to devastate the family budget. It is enough to show a little imagination, to use stylish accessories (eg scarves) and can be infinitely to create new memorable images.
It is no coincidence sponsor of our new fashion competition has become the brand Ariel, representing an innovative means to care for modern fabrics - most concentrated means of Ariel with a unique three-section design, which comprehensively cleans, removes stains and gives the brightness of the modern clothing fabrics.
10 winners of the contest "Fashion Tips" will be presented:
* Ariel 3in1 package PODS Mountain Spring 15 capsules per pack for machine washing of clothes from modern fabrics;
* Three stylish scarf to create original images.

In the summer of 2014 took place the presentation of Ariel 3in1 PODS for machine washing of clothes from modern fabrics and fashion show of famous designer Julia Dalakian specifically for Ariel. In Miami Grand Caf'e gathered popular fashion-editors and bloggers to learn about the current trends of fashion, textile development and innovation in the care of clothing made of modern materials. The program includes an overview of the fashion trends combines with the scientific presentation of technological innovations. Ariel presented a panacea Ariel 3in1 PODS for the comprehensive care of things from various tissues, and Julia Dalakyan introduced fashionable collection of clothing, suitable for machine washing. The main event of the evening was a unique display of eleven dream dress sewn on sketches guests and received them as a gift after the fashion show.
New Ariel 3in1 PODS is small in size, the most concentrated formula Ariel and unique three-sector design, which allows them to quickly and easily perform the full range of functions for the care of clothing during machine wash: deep clean the various tissues from contamination, remove stains and maintain the brightness of the color.
Read the terms of the contest and take part ...
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova