A month later, superstar Jennifer Lopez will celebrate 45 years, but, despite their age, it is still in perfect shape. Recently, the star managed to lose 10 pounds of excess weight (a 4, 5 kg).
This result was achieved thanks to a vegan diet and 6 hours of daily dance classes. Pop diva confessed publication US Weekly:
"We have to play sports and keep track of what you eat. It's a real job." "I feel great mentally and physically."

Even after the birth of twins, Jennifer looks better than in 2004, or even 20 years ago in 1994. Jennifer has a strict diet in which there is no place dairy products, gluten and alcohol.

The singer has been under the direction of her figure fitness psychologist Marco Borges (Marco Borges), who also worked with stars such as Shakira, Beyonce and Gwen Stefani. Now, instead of sweets as J. Lo prefers protein bars Borges' 22 Days cherry chocolate bliss bar.

Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova