Banana mood, energy and beauty
 If it raised the question of the power plant products, the pride of place it would be possible to give it a banana. It is like nothing else, it charges the human body energy for the whole hour, so well suited for snacking during the intense day of work or sports.

Many women fear that bananas have a negative impact on their figure, although, in fact, fat content in them is minimal. Carbohydrates (natural sucrose, fructose, glucose) contained in the ripe fruit is very easily digested. Therefore, there is even a banana diet for weight loss. The positive effect of the body to bring the B vitamins, as A, C and E, fiber, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements.

Bananas help to reduce the risk and to overcome some diseases and temporary ailments, from anemia to a hangover from heartburn to depression, withdrawal symptoms from premenstrual syndrome to improve mental abilities. They are ideal for breakfast, giving strength awakened body. The fiber and pectin promotes good digestion. If you are trying to quit smoking, the bananas can help you, just what we needed - they reduce the effect of nicotine addiction. Because of potassium, you'll quickly restore physical strength, forget about the bags under the eyes and acne scars, and your skin will no longer be shelled. Bananas rarely cause allergies, and therefore shows the small children.

The only ones who need to be careful with the bananas, so it is for diabetics, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, with varicose veins and obesity.

Due to its vitamin and mineral composition, Bananas are also used in cosmetics . Most of the masks can be easily prepared and applied at home.

- The mask for dry skin:   knead 1 banana and mix with 1 tsp. of cream (or 2 tbsp. spoons of milk), put on a clean, dry face for 10-15 minutes, then gently rinse with warm water and repeat every other day.

- The mask for oily skin: knead 1 banana and mix with 1 tsp. lemon juice fresh, put on clean face and nutsedge in 10-15 minutes.

- Mask for normal skin : Knead 1 banana and mix with yogurt, then apply the mixture to a clean face and after 10 minutes rinse with warm water. You feel like your skin changed?

- Nourishing Mask:   mash 1 banana and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of cream, put on clean face and neck, and after 20 minutes remove the cloth.

- Mask toning / heals:   knead 1 banana and mix with beaten egg white, lemon juice and a few drops of any vegetable oil, put on clean face and wash off after 10-15 minutes.

- Mask for wrinkles:   knead 1 banana and mix with 1 tsp. of sour cream and 1 egg yolk beaten, put on clean face and wash off after 10-15 minutes with water, the frequency of the procedure - twice a week.

- Infusion against peeling:   Chop 100 grams of banana skins, pour 350-400 ml. boiling water and leave to cool, so you can wash your face with infusion daily.

- The mask for dry hair: mix 1 banana, 50 grams of honey, 2 tsp. wheat germ, apply to wet hair for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Mask for oily hair: 1 banana mash with 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tbsp. spoon burdock oil, apply to wet hair, wrapped head wrap for 30 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water.

- Mask for all hair types:   knead 1 banana and mix it with 1 tbsp. olive oil, gently apply on damp hair, wrap head film, at the end of 25-30 minutes rinse with warm water and then you can wash your hair with shampoo.

- Banana bath:   mash with 1 kilogram of bananas and mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, the mass dissolved in water and your favorite bath.

 Banana mood, energy and beauty
 Buy bananas in supermarkets and markets
Choosing a ripe fruit, pay attention to their appearance. Good fruit have a smooth and shiny surface of juicy yellow. Corruption of a banana can be identified by the presence of black or dark spots all over its surface.

It is interesting:

- There is a banana beer. To try these things pudding, you have to fly to Uganda. Fruit beer contains 28% alcohol, so be prepared for that, to avoid unpleasant consequences after a beer party.

- Maybe I did not discover America, because This fact is all learned in high school. Banana - a grass, pandanus, and the highest of grass, reaching a height of 9-10 meters.

- World statistics shocking his infinity: bananas eaten the world's population for one year. And if the words to voice this figure?

- You should definitely try the "Banana Honey" - a thick syrup, which is boiled peeled bananas from Costa Rica. And the bees to this "honey" are irrelevant.

- The world record for eating bananas was established Estonian Mait Lepic who ate in 3 minutes 10 banana with the peel.

Scientists have proven that bananas are not only energized, but also produce serotonin - the hormone of joy and happiness, raising man up. So if you feel sad, and the rain outside the window draws muddy streaks on the glass, do not deny yourself the pleasure to eat 1-2 ripe yellow fruit - and the sun is sure to look out for heavy dark clouds.
Author: Alesya Marchenko