Menstruation is certainly not the most pleasant time, but for some women these days are turning into a nightmare. Algomenoreya (dysmenorrhea), or simply, painful menstruation, accompanied by poor health, is quite common and can be of varying severity.
Primary and secondary algomenoreya
The main symptom algomenoree are pain in the abdomen and lower back. They appear in a few hours (or even days) before the beginning of menstruation, worse on the first day of bleeding, and gradually fade to the second or third day. Pain can be both pulling and cramping, stabbing, or twitching. To her often join and symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, irritability, drowsiness or insomnia, lethargy and overeating.
Earlier algomenoreya it considered more special than the disease. But now the gynecologists more serious approach to this issue. It has been observed that the painful menstruation may be the first manifestation of a rather serious diseases and disorders of the female body. Experts identify two types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary.

Primary dysmenorrhea
may occur within three years from the onset of menarche. At the same time the main feature acts pain caused by problems of blood flow from the uterus, which means that it cuts more enhanced. The reasons may be different: it is the underdevelopment of connective tissue, genital tuberculosis, hormonal problems, malformations and hypoplasia of the uterus, or bend it, as well as emotional instability or attrition.
Primary algomenoreya can be both compensated and decompensated. The first is characterized by persistence of pain without gain for a long time. While the progression of asthma dysmenorrhea means pain.
Secondary algomenoreya
associated with diseases of the reproductive system. The most common cause of its occurrence are inflammatory processes, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors, intrauterine contraception. It is also noted that secondary dysmenorrhea often affects women suffering depressiyamilibo, on the contrary, increased excitability and unsatisfied sex life, and reduced libido.

Typically this disease for women over 30 years and very often associated with heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia). Also, secondary dysmenorrhoea are divided into 4 types, depending on the associated symptoms:
• depression, anorexia or bulimia, insomnia or drowsiness, taste perversion or a heightened perception of the taste of food intolerance odors are
emotional and mental shape
• weakness, swelling, itching, vomiting, and pain in the joints to
metabolic and endocrine mind
• problems with the cardiovascular system, numbness, fainting and headache to
• bloating, nausea, sweating, and frequent urination to

And primary and secondary dysmenorrhea varies in severity. For example, the first woman degree transferred easily and do not require the use of painkillers. The second, or middle, there is some loss of efficiency and strong enough pain, but analgesics relieves. The most severe is the third - when the pain becomes unbearable, she loses any performance and may even lose consciousness.

Prevention and Treatment
Oddly enough, but one of the solutions to the problem can be Mode: Make sure your schedule so that any work compensated rest. Help
in the first phase of the cycle,
Regular walking outdoors
. First, the article mentioned the relationship of dysmenorrhea and depression, which is why one of the objectives is to avoid the depressed state!
And help alleviate the condition
waiver of certain products
Such as alcohol, coffee and tobacco. At the same time, preference should be given fruit, vegetables and juices.
Prevention of dysmenorrhea can be
regular sexual life, rejection of intrauterine contraception as well as abortion

Drug-free treatment is not always bring relief. In this case, you should consult your doctor. He will establish the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment that eliminates it. This may be a treatment of genital infections, inflammations or tumors, removal of intrauterine contraception. To reduce or relieve pain can be assigned antispasmodics, analgesics or hormonal therapy.
Remember, painful periods - not a sentence, but rather a good excuse to start attentive to your body!