That was not excruciatingly painful, take care of his feet or in his youth!
 And again, women are not lucky, according to statistics, the percentage of women who suffer from diseases of feet, much higher than the percentage of men who have the same problems. And here and varicose veins, and the deformation of the big toe ("pit"), and inflammation of the fascia of the sole. The reasons for this injustice more. Firstly, men still ligaments and tendons stronger than that of the fairer sex, and secondly, we can talk about a certain genetic predisposition, and thirdly ... well, they do not wear those high heels.

Models of shoes for men are more conservative, do not depend on the whims of fashion and the shape of the nose at men's shoes more than meets the anatomy of the foot. So, despite the fact that the flat-footed (and this defect among the main causes of the problems with the legs), and men and women are affected about equally in men his presence is not so obvious effect on the quality of life. And often we women are to blame for not paying enough attention to the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

After all, as it turns out - yet we are young, optimistic and even somewhat frivolous, we pay more attention to the outside of the phenomena and objects. And so with the shoes! We look primarily at the beauty of the shoe, her fashion line, imagine how wonderful it would look like legs in a gorgeous setting. But the thought of how they would feel, clenched a narrow strip, which they will have to withstand the load in such a heel, and with such an incredible bending arch, shrugs.

Especially this attitude becomes fatal to his feet, if available already has flat feet, and there is, unfortunately, many. Quite often, this defect has been observed in young children, however, in many cases, the growth of the body shape of the foot comes back to normal, but, alas, not at all!

But even those who are led to be born and reach adulthood with a normal structure of the foot, have all chances to 30-40 years to make flat.

Flying gait ... or what and how we go?
So nature has wanted.
Why - is not our business,
Why not for us to judge.

We go, we, of course, feet, and how we do it, depends largely on the situation and the activities of internal organs, a condition of the spine. Proper gait - is the coordinated work of the muscles, joints, ligaments, and, moreover, it is a deep, rhythmic breathing, and normal blood supply to organs and tissues. At the forefront of the walk foot It is a complex anatomical structure consisting of 26 bones that form the intersection of two arches of the foot (longitudinal and transverse). The bones of the foot are interconnected with each other in the first place - ligamentous apparatus. The muscles of the foot, along with plantar fasciitis (wide band of fibrous tissue on the sole that supports the arch of the foot), ensures the stability of the midfoot. And still there is a group of muscles that start in the lower third of the leg and attached at various levels of the bones of the foot.
The mobility of the foot provides several joints: the ankle (which we all know he is often podvorachivaetsja), the joints of the forefoot - tarsometatarsal, metatarsophalangeal, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal, and others.

 That was not excruciatingly painful, take care of his feet or in his youth!
   Have you ever noticed how we walk, how comes on the heels, transfers the load on the sock as the foot is bent during step? During the walk the human body is exposed to various shocks and jolts, which are largely amortized foot, her joints, and, to some extent, her body fat.

Reduction of the shock-absorbing function of the foot, which necessarily occurs in flat feet, leads to the misallocation of load on the joints of the foot, and knee and hip joints. Loss proper biomechanics step is accompanied by twisting of the hip joint in the direction of greater load loses axial fixation of the spine and compensates the load due to its curvature. From malfunction foot the whole body suffers. And here it is not about the beauty of gait have to think, and the very possibility to move without pain.

So why stop ceases to perform adequately, its most important function assigned to it by nature, why there is acquired flat feet?

Beauty requires sacrifice?
The main reason for the development of flat feet, according to many experts - the wrong shoes in the presence of the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Of course, there are other reasons, but in any case, uncomfortable shoes - a factor aggravating the already existing strain. Shoes with hard soles flat, narrow dress shoes, high heels, slippers (flip-flops) - all this diversity is categorized as "wrong" shoes from the point of view of our feet.

Nobody argues, high heels, it's beautiful, visually lengthens the leg, the figure looks a tall, slim, sexy. But walking on a high heel (5-6 cm above), the more long-term, very bad! And if there is one or other abnormality in the structure of the foot, it is simply unacceptable and irresponsible. When we walk in high heels, the main burden falls on the toe, foot in front of the flattens deformed metatarsals, and the Achilles tendon is untapped and gradually atrophies.

 That was not excruciatingly painful, take care of his feet or in his youth!

Experts orthopedic believe: the constant wearing of shoes with high heels or stiff platform so distorts the normal biomechanics of the step, which is almost fatally leads to static flatfoot foot. No less harmful to the feet and completely flat soles without heels.

In addition to the "wrong" shoes cause more flat and long loads associated with professional activity possible (without a seat) or too hard sports. So, "the whole day on their feet," especially if there is excessive weight, and even shoes are not very suitable for legs is very harmful.

 That was not excruciatingly painful, take care of his feet or in his youth!
 If we do not take seriously flat, considering it just annoying cosmetic defect, do not consider it when choosing shoes, too lazy to carry out a special gymnastics, massage, wearing special insoles insoles - then we have a good chance to earn an advanced stage by the age of 35-40. Initially, the barbaric treatment of their legs away with no serious consequences, manifesting unless rapid fatigue feet, unpleasant, but quickly passing painful sensations in the feet, legs and knees. Time of reckoning comes later, as an adult - who in the 35- 40 years, who is 50, to someone may 60. Perhaps in youth is an uncertain future seems very far away, and want to look chic now, but trust and 50 years later, too, want to wear beautiful shoes, dance, travel, so just move without pain.

In the later stages of development, flat feet can not only lead to lameness and clubfoot, but also trigger the development of scoliosis, gonarthrosis (lesion of the knee), coxarthrosis (hip joint damage), and other abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system and, of course, most of the foot.

"Stone" on the big toe (Hallux valgus), its curvature and then the arthritic joints, inflammation of the plantar fascia and heel spur, "corns" and calluses, curved and elongated fingers ("hammer" in the transverse flat), ingrown nails - these are just some display running flatfoot.

Check for flat
Even if at first sight with your foot all right, there are the "bones" on the big toe of the foot, and the other fingers straight, there is no pain in the feet and legs, all early check your feet on flat feet because the early stages of the disease easier to correction . Make is not difficult, even at home. This is the easiest method:

Take a blank sheet of paper, put it on the floor. Now Spread your feet any fat cream (oil) and stand on the sheet. Try to keep the body weight is distributed evenly, keep the legs together. Get off the paper on it reveals a distinct imprint of your feet. Normally, the inner edge of the foot print should not be. If the printout is - there is a flat in a developed longitudinal extent. If there is no fingerprint, but his absence area narrower than half the foot - it's likely the initial stage of longitudinal flat.

Panic should not be, but flat is not among the easily correctable deformities, but the sooner you will be taken to a specialist orthopedic than before will the treatment, the more likely and stop the development of flat feet, and to carry out its correction. Well, for the prevention of the disease, a few tips:

- Choose shoes with high, roomy toe, do not squeeze the toes, with a comfortable heel and its optimum height of 3-6 cm, the shoe upper should be made of a soft elastic material (preferably leather);

- As shoes for long walks are best sneakers with thick, soft orthopedic soles;

- If you have overweight, lose weight;

- To strengthen the foot of their tempers, walk barefoot on dewy grass, sea or river pebbles;

- To strengthen the muscles of the foot will help special exercises, self-massage, foot baths with sea salt.

Movement is life, and our feet - great toiler! Think about them often, take care of their health, and they will not go in debt, and every step will be a beautiful and painless!
Author: Olga Travleeva