"I became a supermodel after being turned gray" - says Cindy Joseph, a woman who at 60 looks at us with advertising posters. Read about how to start a career as a model at 60 and makeup tips from Cindy.
Like most women, Cindy always believed that the supermodel - these are very thin and very young girls. And, of course, I would never have thought that in quite a respectable age for a model search agent met her on the street and invited him to audition.
It was in New York. Cindy says that while she decided to stop paint over gray hair. She ended with hair dye, and more, she decided not to buy a new pack. Surprisingly, it is with gray hair notice it. Now it represents how gracefully aging woman can. Her promotional shoot for Olay, Target and D & G have an incredible success.

Cindy Joseph as a model opened the fashion photographer Steven Meisel, he did test shots when Cindy has signed a contract with modeling agency Ford Models. One of the first works of Cindy - work for Dolce & Gabbana, soon followed by the shooting for Aveda and Ann Taylor.

The first job for the D & G, are already over 50 Cindy
Cindy says that she is glad her age, and in modeling business feels incredibly confident, despite the fact that it is surrounded by young and slender.
Cindy Joseph is not only in demand by advertising agencies, it successfully appears in the trendy gloss, including on the cover.

But the Cindy believes that the age model attracts not appearance and inner world and life experience. That is why it is free to compete with young people, because it is something that they do not have - its identity and way of life.

It should be noted that the age patterns are always needed, but especially began to acquire popularity in recent years. Getting this put Kristen MakMenami, which is 46 years old is not afraid to show his gray hair long, and is invited to the most prestigious shooting and shows one of the last of its high-profile contracts - from Calvin Klein and Chanel.
Cindy quickly realized that her image can bring dividends, and immediately thought about starting her own line of cosmetics. The results were immediate, partners and investors are found quickly. Now line BOOM! by Cindy Joseph is very popular in the States. This cosmetics is "for ages" and not "anti-age", - says the model.

Famous sticks BOOM! by Cindy Joseph, is the product of two one - gloss and lip balm and eye shadow for women age
What is the secret of youth Cindy?
Cindy says herself - that she just does not hide his age. "Any woman looks great when her skin is alive and healthy, - says the model. - But we are doing a very big mistake. Using a heavy tone means that supposedly fills in wrinkles, in fact, it can not deceive anyone. Anyway, you can see how much we age. Our faces are more unique than we think. We need only to emphasize their beauty, and not try to be like the others. "

Cindy knows what he is talking. The fact that she has a make-up education and work experience in make-up. It helps her to always choose the right palette that, in her opinion, is the key to the young and to the natural mind.
Bold shades of shadows detract from our beauty, but do not add it, says Joseph. The model suggests using shades of clay and champagne.
And another tip from Joseph: Do not wear eye shadow, darker than your skin. It is better to choose the same tone as the color of the skin, or a little lighter. At age it is very important, it raises the eyelid, and not hang it down.