Brazilians know very much about taking care of themselves on the beach, because they spend half my life in a bikini on the coast. And if the Brazilian more to the same and a supermodel? She can tell almost all the beauty secrets of the beach. Let's hear that advises Alessandra Ambrosio?
The secret of the figures: juice and cardio
All interested in how to achieve such a perfect body. But the 33-year-old Alessandra has two children! The secret is proper nutrition and the right exercise. Alessandra general, as all models, obsessed with healthy eating. And if you be in a swimsuit photo shoot, she resorted to its "emergency" - a juice and smoothies. The most effective - green juices and coconut water. Alessandra now lives in Los Angeles, and loves to buy cleansing drinks in shops Pressed Juicery, one of which is located right next to her house (not just the paparazzi catch Ambrosio shopping from Pressed Juicery). Model loves green juice with ginger and favorite ginger lemon drink.

Alessandra, or Ale as it is called the fans, all the more urges to move and not to pass fitness. Her workout routine - a synthesis of cardio and toning. She loves Pilates and exercise bike. And when it is necessary to prepare for the show responsible, its recipe - spinning.
For exceptional form - spinning and SoulCycle
The latest craze Ale - SoulCycle. It is a network of gyms, which offers a fun and effective training on a stationary bike. Each 45-minute workout Alessandra takes the music at a high pace, and ... almost in the dark. During this time, it can have a good sweat, and not pay attention to the views of outsiders. But it all began with spinning. It is this training helped Alessandra quickly back in shape after the second pregnancy. Spinning - a sprint on a bicycle. What is needed in order not to leave a single gram of body fat!

"Pedaling should be correct. Only then will it be good, "- says personal trainer Ale Spinning Justin Gelband. Here are its main recommendations of how to do a sprint on the bike the most effective:
- It is important that your position on the bike was the best. Steering wheel must be at the stomach (not low, not high). Back straight, arms slightly bent at the elbows.
- Start with warming up - 5-10 minutes, followed by a session on a stationary bike for 30 minutes, and all zvaershayte stretching (2-3 minutes).
- Strive to keep a good intensity in the work on a stationary bike. Indicators should fall between 60 and 100 rpm. If you pedal with an intensity of up to 70 revolutions per minute - the train endurance and work on the thighs. With an intensity of more than 90 revolutions per minute - is burning fat. But it's best to alternate very fast spinning temperate.
Beach Beauty - is, above all, protection from the sun
This truism Ale repeats again and again, and is not afraid to seem banal. If it is on the beach, then there's always spray lotion Victoria's Secret Sun SPF 25: This is a sunscreen with a hint of tan. Alessandra also prefer to make a fake tan than expose your skin harmful rays of the sun. Tanning allows a lot of time on the coast and not worry about possible sunburn.

Protection is required and hair Ale reveals its secrets: it necessarily covers the hair, or oil, or protective hair spray, specially designed for the beach. This has many brands, and Alessandra, as an angel of Victoria's Secret, of course recommends that Victoria's Secret beach hairspray.
What's in the beach bag Alessandro?
Make sure hair oil in a spray. So the product is very easy to use, and it is very necessary to protect hair from the sun and salt water. And yet: sunblock, wide-brimmed hat, big scarf or pareo to hide from the sun, lip balm and sunglasses.
Were you surprised that among this set is no make-up? The way it is. Ale prefers to do on the beach without makeup. It is enough in the morning to put a little cream bronzer and restrict the eyelash curler. Any other make-up on the beach do not need! Excluding she sometimes makes for proof eyeliner.
The most successful beach Self
Models are considered to be a pro in SELF. And it's true, because to show off in front of camera lenses - this is their profession. Alessandra also knows a good judge. Her self popular on the Internet, and in her more Instagrame 1.87 million subscribers. And there are two main models for beach Self Council. First, tan, tan and again. In its authoritative opinion, pale skin will always look worse than tanned. And the second: focus on those parts of the body that you like. If you are proud of your breasts - that show it, and if you feel attractive hip - try to turn to the camera half-turned to all your charms were visible.

Beauty after the beach
Even the most perfect defense is not completely relieve from the effects of sun and sand, if you spend all day on the beach. Skin need restoration. Ale House advises always have aloe vera gel. Mix it with cream or added to the mask - and her skin will get the necessary hydration and relaxation. And the more natural your creams - the sooner they will help your skin, sometimes olive or avocado oil is much more effective, because they are completely natural.
According to the materials interview model style.com, healthyceleb.com.