... Analyzing her deeds and actions in life, we can see that as a man, embodied in the female form, she played herself. Showing all his natural charisma, charm and intelligence, it always remains firm and unwavering. But, at the same time he knows exactly what role should belong to the family of her husband, and how to behave like a wife.
At least, that presents himself as a journalist Masha Berseneva actress, who became famous for his role as Margo Gosha in the famous TV series. And her strong-willed and strong character can be seen on screen and in life.
And, according to her personal opinion, masculinity is in each of us. And it manifests itself in childhood (in restlessness, commitment, courage).
Moments of biography and life values present Margot
Few realize that the life of Masha (like her character) at times resembled a real struggle. During pregnancy, despite the completeness and toxicosis, she played in the final performances in GITIS (Russian Academy of Theatre Arts, where and educated). A left after her divorce from her first husband, without the support and work with nursing her son in her arms, Berseneva managed to conquer the charm and spontaneity of a specific audience during the filming of commercials and working as a model.
However, to survive the difficult period and come out of a state of shock as she helped support the parents (who, by the way, lives were activists) and, of course, innate determination, control its further actions.
More than fond memories of family comfort she left after 8 years of marriage to second husband - Nikolai Bersenyev. And, despite the fact that their alliance fell apart, the future Mary looks with optimism. And sincerely believes that experience will help her build a real happiness.
Another manifestation of man's judgment (
or perhaps a female wisdom
) Can be called the ability to examine the inner world of men, did not dwell on the external data. Perhaps precisely because of this trait and the special beauty of Mary has always been surrounded with care and attention on the part of the stronger sex.
At the same time, despite the man's rod, he married Maria Berseneva never aspired to lead. And she now considers herself a man compliant.
Unlike some modern young ladies, she never let anyone tried to keep close to them and cherish a strong relationship with those who take it for what it is. Therefore it is necessary to believe that her third marriage will last (in the hopes that she and Mary).
Inner beauty actress
The ratio of Mary Berseneva family, men, occupations, in my opinion, now be called exemplary. So jealousy is associated in its understanding with self-doubt and mistrust to loved ones. And women who are jealous of their halves (including her), she advises to think about yourself. That is, about the possibilities of cultivation of inner growth.
She herself is peculiar only one kind of jealousy - acting. Indeed, in his work, as she puts soul. Wisely avoiding conflicts with directors and partners, and showing true talent and skill.
On top of that, the actress is engaged in charity work - helps sick children (especially for organizing this auction). And not for the sake of strengthening the authority in professional circles, and from its own noble intentions.
