Barbara greeted the 70th anniversary in six months. Her pure and radiant skin can envy and 35-year-old. A figure and optimism - a great example to follow. How she manages to look so wonderfully? Answers stars are very simple.
There are women who over the years, only prettier. Barbara is one of them. Years of its color. At the turn of the 70th anniversary of her shiny hair, smooth skin, enviable figure ... In one of the presentations suddenly noticed. When she stood up for photographers next to Jennifer Aniston, who is almost 30 years older than her.
This picture was so impressed that wanted to learn the secrets of youth and beauty of the actress and singer Barbra Streisand.
Secrets and tips from Streisand were very simple.
Let's see what we can learn from the stars?

Photo: Elle
There are no exercises!
In contrast to contemporary stars such as Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, Barbara prefers not to make any exhausting exercises. Although it was not always.
In 60 years, Barbara did not spare himself. Especially for her course it was developed from the mix of ballet, yoga and orthopedic loads. The singer did not last long. In the 70s, Barbara worked in the aerobics studio. Many of those who went with her to the studio, said that all of her classes began and ended the same: she did the first couple of exercises, and then just walked around the room and chatted. In the 80 years of trying to join Pilates, but this also failed. And even a simulator, which is her home, Barbara is only negative emotions.
Quite simply, the singer hates the monotonous action. She even neglect vocal exercises and descant, because "it is very boring." In general, training Barbara went wrong. But this is not the cause of obesity or an inferiority complex. The figure, of course, you can "blind" fitness, but Barbra Streisand example shows that this is not the only way to harmony and harmony.
Diet? Pancakes!
You will be surprised, but diet - is not the way to harmony Barbara. Although she did not stay away from the passions of new diets.
Barbara had never been thin, and never aspired to be thin. This fashion did not affect its interests. Although Hollywood is constantly fascinated by new diets, new standards of slimness. But she managed to save themselves, no imitation.
Some interviewers even noticed that Barbara and during interviews might have something to chew on, it is often an ordinary piece of cheese.
She tried to attach to their diets different specialists. For example, a nutritionist Carrie Uiatt (which deals with Jennifer Aniston) advised the star diet high in protein, low in carbohydrates, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as raw products. But it did not work again.
Trying to cut himself in carbohydrates failed because Barbara loves pancakes and never give up on them. Every day for breakfast at her favorite pancakes.
Barbara and her husband James Brolin briefly fond of Jenny Craig diet (popular American power system, designed for wealthy clients). But after admitted that after several days of simply "ate like a pig." In general, diets, as well as exercises, Barbara did not work, so again it seemed very boring and uninteresting.
I do not like make-up!
Another revelation that bribes. Barbara says that, despite the ever-present paparazzi, loves to go out without makeup. The same applies to the laundry. Even on the red carpet Barbara has repeatedly appeared without a bra. After that, a few plastic surgeons offering her services for lifting the chest. However, it is absolutely not interested.
My favorite product for skin Barbara, do not believe - night cream worth slightly more than $ 10 (Gale Hayman Night Cream).
Avoid the sun, she began long before this became interested in Hollywood. And today enjoys day means, which is very serious protection from the sun with SPF 45. Among the index make-up products are preferred by Senna cosmetics.
So what's the secret - you ask. Why so much purity and youth? Laura Mercier cosmetics guru French answer to this question is very simple: the secret of its nature, its charm and positive attitude.
One of the small and very accessible means by Barbara - a lemon. She rubs his elbows, knees. And also used for the face. Age spots, pigmentation go away immediately, in addition, the pores close, the fat content is controlled, matting effect is achieved.
And another beauty-Barbara's motto is: "Make friends with their barbers." With two of its hairdressers she had affairs. Perhaps this is the secret of her good hair? And there is one tool that it can not advise. This regenerating night cream for hair from Frédéric Fekkai (Overnight Hair Repair cream, $ 200 for a small bottle of 100-milliliter). Yes, the hair can not save, according to the singer.
Failures with surgery
We must be honest. Barbara sought help from a plastic surgeon. At one time, it was suspected that she had done rhinoplasty. But Barbara is totally rejected. The singer is very afraid for my voice, so do not risk it with his recognizable face.
However, in 2003 the paparazzi captured Barbara, churned out a private clinic. Operation facelift upset Barbara. She came from a surgeon in a straw hat with a veil and not to show his face. In order to survive everything, Barbara even seek the advice of a spiritual healer.
Now Streisand became a fan of injectable wrinkle filler. This procedure is becoming more popular, it is very simple: take the fat from the thighs and injected into facial wrinkles. Procedure costs about $ 3,500. But now Barbara trusts his face only a proven expert, therefore, wherever it was, if it's time to do the injection, she flies to New York to your doctor Patricia Wexler.
And it is not the woman of fashion
Barbara admits that refers contemptuously to the modern fashion. Special love it - vintage. Actually, she hates to buy clothes and has no interest in the next trends and collections. However, the star always dressed tastefully. This helps her to her old friend, the fashion designer Donna Karan. She sends her dress made taking into account the tastes of the star.
And shopping for clothes for her assistant Barbara walks. When Barbara asked what clothes she buys for himself, the star replied: "Black. I like simple things, and always with an elastic waist, so I could eat. "
Power of love
Barbara says that her beauty and youth - the result of a happy family life with James Brolin, whom she met in 1996 and married him two years later. "It made me happy," - says Streisand. Now she can not live without their cozy home. Next to these modern cottage village houses with whitewashed walls, walk hens and roosters, working watermill. Here in this idyll it strives every day. There waiting for her husband, fired fireplace and heard her soft voice.