Nutritional properties of alligator pear (this is referred to as an avocado) are known to those who are watching their diet. But even if you do not like the taste of avocado - buy the fruit. You can not imagine, that can give Avocado for your beauty.
We will not list all the useful qualities of avocado for your skin and hair, it is better to illustrate them. So: 6 recipes for hair and skin from the avocado.

Use ripe fruit that easily turn into a puree
1. To update the hair.
Result - soft and shiny hair.
Take the fruit of the avocado, remove the core of it. For short hair need only half of the fetus. Make mashed potatoes, mash with a fork, and for finer texture can rub through a sieve. Add 1 egg yolk and gender tablespoons olive oil. Apply the mixture on the hair from root to tip, carefully crafted each strand. Leave for 25 minutes (available under the package), and then rinse with warm water and rinse your hair with shampoo.
2. For the skin around the eyes.
The result - a good sleep and cheerful eyes.
It's incredibly easy recipe, but effectively works! We need to cut thin slices of avocado and put them under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. After - rinse with cold water.
3. For skin.
Result - luminous and smooth skin.
Fan of this mask called Jessica Alba and Nicole Kidman. The recipe is also extremely simple: mash the avocado puree to the state, and apply evenly to cleansed face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wash first with warm, then cold water.
4. moisture.
The result - radiant and moisturized skin all day.
Do not throw away the peel of the avocado, it can be used as a natural moisturizer. The inner side of the face, wipe the skin and dry areas of the body (elbows, hands, feet, etc.). Do not rinse immediately. Leave for several minutes. Then rinse skin with warm and cold water. Avocado oil is not comedogenic, but can cause allergies (so make sure you perform the test on the skin).
5. peeling hands and feet.
Result - soft skin of hands and feet after the salon manicure and pedicure.
Make a soft scrub, which is suitable for the winter cold. Mix half avocado, 3-4 dessert spoon of oatmeal, 1 egg white and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Massage the hands and feet with this mixture for 1-2 minutes. You can leave a few minutes, then rinse.
6. To exfoliate the feet.
The result - well-groomed and healthy feet.
Mash half an avocado, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a handful of Epsom salts. Massage the feet, leave the mixture on your feet for 15 minutes. The treatment helps tired legs, muscle relaxation, heals cracks.
Even more recipes - in our category
People cosmetology