Can tea tree oil to cure acne?
 The natural ingredients and essential oils are becoming increasingly popular in the world of beauty. One such ingredient which is added to cosmetics - is tea tree oil. Manufacturers praise it almost as a cure for all diseases of the skin, say the antioxidant and anti-microbial properties of the "magic" oil. Is it so?

Unfortunately, most of the declared properties of tea tree oil not supported scientifically. But there is good news. We found evidence that the component can be an effective treatment for acne (acne). And most importantly - a strong alternative to the main ingredient in the fight against acne - benzoyl peroxide, causing unpleasant consequences for the skin. Everything in order.

What is tea tree oil?
Tea tree oil - a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid with a strong odor, is sold in pharmacies and is part of the makeup, it contains more than 100 natural compounds (And it's all natural ingredients, unlike the synthetic and produced in the laboratories, which are often problematic skin!). The main useful ingredient in the oil are cineole (Cineole) and terpinene (Terpinen). The latter can cause allergies, but more on that below.

Tea tree oil and acne
Scientific research shows that tea tree oil is an antibacterial agent that kills bacteria that cause acne and acne. In 1990, research was conducted, we observed 124 patients with mild to moderate form of acne. They were offered to treatment using lotions containing 5% tea tree oil and 5% benzoyl peroxide. The results showed that "both ingredients played a significant role in improving the condition of the patients, there was a reduction in non-inflammatory lesions and inflamed (open and closed comedones)." However, it was noted that the action of the lotion with 5% tea tree oil has been somewhat slower his opponent. But this lack of balance that the side effects in the case of tea tree oil was much less than in patients.

Indeed, benzoyl peroxide (Benzoyl Peroxide) - though it is effective, but very harsh ingredient. Almost all are faced with side effects (dryness, redness, peeling, irritation) on its application. And it turns out that tea tree oil can be an excellent alternative to the rigid component.

Do not be fooled
Yes, hurry up with the purchase of a modern cream with tea tree oil in the composition is not necessary. And here's why. Most modern creams and serums with tea tree oil in the composition have this component in a very modest concentrations (usually about 1%). In this case, a cream virtually no help to cope with acne and acne.

If you decide to try to afford proven anti-acne action of tea tree oil, it is necessary to search for products in which the concentration of this ingredient is useful in the range of from 5% to 10%. Anything less - it is a waste of money.

Side effects
It remains only to warn about the possible side effects of the intervention ingredient. Tea tree oil - indeed, a soft and gentle means than benzoyl peroxide, but it has some volatile compounds, which can cause mild irritation and allergies. If that happens, the use of tea tree oil will have to give. Although, in any case, benzoyl peroxide produces even more stringent reaction so that they do not is not indispensable.

Bottom line
Tea tree oil:
- Effective against acne and acne
- Its effect is somewhat slower than benzoyl peroxide
- Side effects of its use are much smaller and are more forgiving for the skin
- Effective concentrations for the treatment of acne - from 5 to 10%.
Author: Julia Gnedina