A simple way to correct the shape of the nose with makeup
 Just 4 steps, and 2 means good brush - and you will easily master the art konturinga. And you can start with a correction of the nose.

Step 1. Concealer (light) or highlighter draw a straight line down the center of the nose. This will draw attention to the nose, distract from the broad wings of the nose, visually make the nose thinner.

 A simple way to correct the shape of the nose with makeup

Step 2. Take a matte shadow and bronzer, these products must be 1-2 shades darker than your own skin tone. Brush for shadows "paint" the sides of the nose, from the inner corner of the eyebrows - down to the nostrils.

 A simple way to correct the shape of the nose with makeup

STEP 3. The same brush that is applied bronzer on the sides of the nose to soften the tip of the nose. This technique will be a flat nose.

 A simple way to correct the shape of the nose with makeup

Step 4. Make sure that all products are well feathered. There should be no rigid boundaries deposited funds.

 A simple way to correct the shape of the nose with makeup

Author: Julia Gnedina