Prof approach
 On the professional cosmetics you can hear a lot of different opinions. Some consider it the only effective means of care. Others - a luxury, pleasant, of course, but it is not mandatory. So you can make your own opinion, we have identified the main pros and cons of "professionals". However, the only way to decide - to try the most.

Given: Professional cosmetics sold only in beauty salons or at private providers.
Plus:   you are insured against counterfeiting.
Less:   If you run out of shampoo or cream will not run into any nearby store to buy cosmetics.

Given: Each means professional brands is aimed at solving a particular problem, whether the case of the skin, hair or body.
Plus:   you yourselves know perfectly well that the "narrowly focused" products are more effective than the "universal."
Less:   "Is not always possible to correct" to put a diagnosis, "- says a leading technologist professional brand Paul Mitchell Julia Gorbatova - For example, some women may feel that they have weak hair, which constantly break down and therefore in need of firming mask. And in fact, it could easily go about hair loss and problems with the root in the hair follicle. Treatment is required here is quite different. Products against breakage will be useless. "
Only one conclusion - professional cosmetics should be chosen specialist. Independent experiments to you, of course, is unlikely to do much harm, but may disappoint the subsequent results.

Given: Most professional products have a high concentration of active substances.
Plus:   all obvious - contains more beneficial ingredients in cosmetics, the more effective it is.
Less:   too obvious. If you overdo it with cream or other product that can get the opposite effect. The excess is no less harmful than lack of, and should be especially careful with styling tools. To create an installation requires quite a bit of serum or mousse. Too much of the product will make the hair greasy and unkempt in appearance.

Given: For the production of professional cosmetics used the best, environmentally friendly raw materials.
Plus:   cosmetics for sensitive skin and much less dangerous from the point of view of an allergic reaction.
Less:   the higher the quality of the raw material, the more this or that product, and with it, alas, nothing can be done.

Given: The use of professional cosmetics gives a fairly rapid results, which is true for funds to care for face and body, and hair.
Plus:   You can beat a long time to solve this or that problem, using the usual mass products, while the "professionals" will eliminate all the trouble for a couple weeks.
Less:   to keep myself in good shape you need to constantly use cosmetics.
Author: Irina Titlinov