Beautiful, healthy, shiny hair - the dream of every girl. And it can easily become a reality if every day to care for their hair and use at the same funds, which include natural ingredients.
Tell us about your special care of hair and attach a photo.
3 winners
receive a set of hair care by
Le Petit Marseillais
: Shampoo Balm Mask for normal and long hair
"Len and sweet almond milk"

The new range of care for normal hair "Len and sweet almond milk» Le Petit Marseillais is based on traditional Mediterranean recipes. It consists of sweet almond milk, known for its nourishing properties, and flax, which will make your hair soft and manageable.
Dates of competition:
1 June 2013 - 1 July 2013
Learn about the rules of the contest and take part & gt; & gt; & gt;