About Us, women often say that we are waiting for "the prince on a white horse." Even though everyone knows that the real princes in the world only a few dozen, and riding for a long time no one goes - this phrase is still relevant. Still, we hope to meet some man who meets a certain set of criteria. We offer our readers to reflect on the theme "What is he - a perfect man? ". The authors of the most interesting essays - will receive a set of gifts for their loved men!
Tell us about what you are waiting for a man, and hope to meet? Or how about someone you have met and fell in love. What qualities of this man you brought? Or maybe your ideal is your grandfather or father, a quality that is unmatched by any modern man? Together, let us reflect on what we still want from men.
5 best stories will receive prizes
by brands
Gillette, Old Spice
As well as the famous hockey player
Alexander Ovechkin
The prize will consist of sets:
1. Means for care Old Spice Champion;

2. The razor blade Gillette with the image of the hockey player Alexander Ovechkin;

3. T-shirt with printed autograph and a picture of Alexander Ovechkin.

Dates of competition: February 12, 2013 - March 12 2013.
Participate in the contest here & gt; & gt; & gt;