You were not on vacation? If you plan to be on the beach - do not forget to bring home a few useful things there. For example, sand, stones, pebbles.
The most important application, which can be found beach sand - is to use it as a scrub. Sand - a natural, and most importantly - free exfoliant. Even just walking barefoot on the sand - a very useful exercise. It soothes, massages, tones foot. And also exfoliates the skin of the feet.
Sandy pedicures
On the beach, you can just rub the wet or dry sand of the foot and ankle. The sand acts as a pumice stone. If it is possible - sand mix with olive oil, other vegetable oil or glycerin. And this scrub will further moisturize the skin. It can be used over the entire body. Just keep creams and oils in a sealed bag, without access to sunlight.

On the beach you can make a full pedicure. First, treat the skin of the feet sandy scrub, then wash your feet, and then moisturize cuticles and file off the nails. If there is no handy nail file, it will approach the edge of a matchbox or a large stone from the beach.
Sand for even tan
Another way to look after themselves on holiday. Come to the beach early in the morning, until there is no one, and the sun had just risen. Take a moisturizer (or lotion) and a soft brush massage. Apply a thick layer of skin cream, then sprinkle sand. After - gently massage the skin with a brush. And rinse with plenty of water. Once dry the skin and apply a layer of sunscreen - a tan lie much smoother!
Peeling with sand
Good reception peeling - a mixture of sand and detergent (shower gel or liquid soap). Ratio: 1 part of sand and three parts of the detergent. If you have a vacation would be satellite - ask them to massage your back with this tool. You can add sand directly into the vial with shower gel - and use this tool when you take a shower after the salt water.

By the way, Lush has a similar finished product - gel for the bath with the addition of sea sand.
Sand for home exfoliation
Now you understand what the riches you literally under their feet? Be sure to bring home a jar of sand. He will remind you of summer vacation by the sea on winter days, and will do a good exfoliation.
Gentle exfoliation once a week - the key to glowing and supple skin. He got rid of dry skin, while natural sandy scrub will not irritate the skin.
Home scrub with sand
Sand can be any: river or sea, of any color: red, black, white.
1. Place a clean, dry sand (3 tablespoons) in a plastic container.
2. Add the sweet almond oil sand (alternative: jojoba oil, apricot kernel oil, sunflower, olive), also 3 tablespoons.
3. Add a few drops of Vitamin E in the oil.
4. Stir the scrub until smooth.
Apply scrub better in a separate bath, because the sand is not necessary to wash off scrub the sink (it can clog the drain), but only - in the sewers. After the scrub, rinse feet with warm water. Dry and apply a moisturizer.
Brazilian anti-cellulite recipe
Brazilians fleeing orange peel on the hips with the help of beach sand. They spend half of my life on the coast, and almost always sunbathe without mats. Particles of sand in a natural way their body massage, and massage and exfoliation are important for the prevention of cellulite. Blood circulation and metabolism in the skin is improved, fat cells do not accumulate under the skin.

Brazilian beauties lather problem areas with cellulite, and massage with the addition of wet sand.
Healing Pillow
If opportunities allow, we can bring back from holiday a lot of sand to be enough for the production of therapeutic pillows.

Such cushions are generally used for the relaxation and stress relief. They are heated in the microwave (1-2 minutes) and put on the neck, lower back, legs. After 3 minutes, the pillow is removed or reused after a time interval. Sand bed can be done with scent. When heated, this flavor will be activated. To do this, add sand 10-15 drops of essential oil (lavender, rosemary, mint), and dry sand, after - sewn into a pillow.
Sand Therapy
Therapy with sand used for children and adults. Typically, this is a large tray filled with sand, which can be played in the sandbox. With the help of sand created reliefs patterns. Everything is done by hand. Often this type of therapy is used as a recovery from injury, and for children - how to develop the motor skills of the game.

"Games in the sandbox" soothe, relieve stress. Adults can do out of the sand in the tray of mini-rock garden and children create entire cities and countries.

Tell me, do you like at the beach line in the sand? Perhaps sand therapy helps you to calm down? If so - take a tray with sand at home, and arrange themselves and their children soothing games.