Do you have a pair of jeans that are not so relevant in the new season? Then there's the idea - to make a fashion trend shorts with geometric prints. Let's try and update an old cardigan.
Step 1.
To begin with, from jeans to make shorts. It will just make even amateurs. No tape measures and patterns. Simply attach to your jeans shorts all, and you will understand how to cut off the leg.

less likely to fit stretch jeans shorts. Better jeans knitted basis not to take.
Step 2.
Seam will not process. But it needs to do a little "worn". To do this, take the sandpaper and rub the edge of the cropped trousers. It should also wash shorts, the edge has become worn, and looked natural.

From jeans to get new shorts.

Now it's time to make shorts individual thing. Let this be a geometric pattern on one leg. On a blue background color will not look clean. We offer whiten leg, which will draw. Take a powerful bleaching agent (easier if he sprays), rubber gloves and work in a well ventilated area.

Step 4.
Decide on the pattern. You can copy any desired pattern. Find it online or looking magazines with fashion shows. Transfer the first general outlines in black marker on the fabric. Inside leg lay thick cardboard or magazine to figure did not hit the back side of leg.

Step 5.
Next require bright markers on the fabric. Gradually paint over the entire surface where you want to image. You can leave and shaded areas.

Trend Shorts ready - we meet the warm days!

Leopard print fashion. But do not run to the store for new clothes. Maybe you can make a cardigan with leopard-print yourself.
Need for paint or fabric markers on the fabric. Colors are good because they can be mixed, preparing all shades. For these purposes, use plastic cups. Paints, be sure to fasten iron (hot, but without steam).
Step 1.
Lay cardigan on a flat surface, flatten all the wrinkles. Between the layers of jersey lay cardboard or heavy paper.

Step 2.
Put on different sized cardigan light brown spots. Procedure - arbitrary, avoid too correctly staggered.

Dark brown make a frame around the spots of light brown color. On the rim of paint in spots entirely. This leopard print - it's dark letters "c" around the bright spots. In between the spots can also be made small touches that were not too many empty background. Fix the "print" to iron iron.

Step 4.
Turn the cardigan, and repeat steps 2 and 3.

You have received an unusual and even a little fun thing in trend palette.
Photo: collegefashion.com, author photo