Chanel and Dior: Most global contradiction in the history of fashion. Part 1
 According to the most popular theory, fashion in its modern sense originated in France. And it is in the country of origin of fashion-ideas, fame, among other things, the production of high quality fabrics and textiles, luxury, first talked about the variability of styles.

Today, the French Republic is considered one of the largest shopping centers and prestigious shows. A Parisian styles have become role models for many ladies of our time.

But when it comes originated in France, fashion trends - in the minds of many fashionistas there are probably very luxurious, glamorous and sophisticated women's images. And not all remember about the basic contradiction of the postwar period. Contradictions, which directly affected the principles of the formation of women's style and was indirectly related to the existing ideology.

The pendulum of dominance basic ideas of creators fashion-revolution
The most prominent figures in the history of the French and perhaps the world of fashion became known at the time the creator of women's practical attributes of Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel (better known as Coco Chanel) and a supporter of exclusive feminine Christian Dior. Their collections directly contradict each other. And yet, all they had and have a number of fans in the country a special style.

What contributed to the emergence in France of a unique contrast of diverse ideas and solutions? And who of the two founders of the unique of its kind fashion houses now has a larger number of followers?

 Chanel and Dior: Most global contradiction in the history of fashion. Part 1
   The advent of style Chanel and loyal attitude of French was connected (that generally peculiar fashion) to the historical ups and downs of the beginning of the XXI century. During the change of social ideology appreciating discreet elegance and practicality Gabrielle Bonheur offer women something completely new - the ability to turn simple and extraordinary items of clothing in exclusive style elements. And to be beautiful at any age, freed, primarily by tightening uncomfortable corsets, lush skirts and frills, and leaving to create new images only, which allows to feel comfortable in all circumstances.

Adopted the creator of the new trend has taken, in particular, those attributes that in the old days were considered exclusively male (pants, shirts, tuxedos). And find "her hands" thanks to the original design approach for the new role.

Chanel was guided first and foremost a personal view on the perfect style for the typical representatives of the modern age. That is, women who live in a busy rhythm and ready for a serious achievement.

After the First World War, when the ladies could not previously afford an abundance of exotic accessories and party dresses, blouses with its versatile jacket-shaped and of medium length straight skirts acquired the status of the trend. Along with this, the home dressmaker naturally began to spread it introduced the fashion for women's pants, shoulder bags, sweaters, jersey and two-tone shoes. And for additional elements of style confident lady - special perfume Chanel No. 5 - Advanced her perfume Ernest Beaux and her exclusive jewelry with crystals and decorative stones.

 Chanel and Dior: Most global contradiction in the history of fashion. Part 1
 The popularity of the most famous invention Coco - a little black dress (whose appearance was due to the tragic events in the life of Gabrielle) - explained then the requirements of the time. Universal attribute, which is ideal for the office and for parties, for owners of different types of appearance and combined with any jewelry, has become quite popular in the postwar revolutionary years.

In particular, due to the fact that it was required to sew a small amount of tissue. After all, textile (like many other industries) was at that time in the country is not in the best condition.

However, despite the increased interest in innovation Gabrielle Bonheur in the first half of the last century, after the Second World War in a society stuck negative image of the creator of a new fashion. Reputation Coco Chanel, according to documentary sources of the postwar period was flawed because of its ties and close relations with the German diplomat. And interest in her masterpieces in circles hostile-minded to it the French began to fall naturally.

 Chanel and Dior: Most global contradiction in the history of fashion. Part 1
 Around the same time (in 1947), on the French fashion-scene stood out created a completely new concept - New Look - Christian Dior. The names and stories of his famous collection ("Flower", "tulip", "Vertical", "Corolla") associated with the natural feminine tenderness and romance.

Focusing on ultrazhenstvennye attributes (corsets, emphasizing the waist belt, gloves, skirts to the ankles), Dior guessing fashion according to analysts, the main desire of post-war France. Tired of the restrictions Parisian quickly switched with simple dresses from Chanel to his exquisite creations (though before his style of perceived public rather critical). And, in the words of the founder of a new empire of glamor, in his clothes, they began to feel a surge of happiness and the desire to smile, which was the highest award for a genius.

 Chanel and Dior: Most global contradiction in the history of fashion. Part 1
 But among French fashionistas I remember him not only as a man, begotten in the French image of femininity because of the prior art and an improved design ball gowns. He was known as a developer and a new line of jewelry, and as the creator of special cosmetics and perfumes, emphasizing the individuality of their owners.

However, since 1954 the French fashion world once again under the influence of the revolutionary ideas of the famous Coco. Ideas that, in her own words, always been "out of fashion" and forever will remain fundamental in shaping the style of any confident business woman.

 Chanel and Dior: Most global contradiction in the history of fashion. Part 1
 However, the French press was shocked when, triumphantly returning to the fashion Olympus, Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel presented to the public only previously known models of things. But so Coco stressed its basic concept - adherence to the eternal and ageless classic elegance and originality avoidance. In addition, during his second lift it presented Frenchwomen new style attribute (compare in popularity with black dress and serve as an equivalent response to the masterpieces of Dior) - tweed business suit.

Despite the fact that the critics did not appreciate the bold steps female fashion designer, many representatives of the new generation of French fashionistas gave preference to her outfit. A fashion house Chanel was the largest among similar organizations in the world fashion-industry.

Comparison of the effect of the major fashion moguls
The most important stage of the creative flowering of Coco Chanel (which in itself testifies to the world fame of the designer) was its cooperation with Hollywood studios. In particular, it is known that in 50-60 years of XX century, it developed a model clothes for well-known personalities like Audrey Hepburn and Liz Taylor. Dior is at the peak of glory, creating scenic toilets for famous clients such as Marlene Dietrich, Margot Fonteyn, Edith Piaf and Liz Taylor said.

The world is at the time gradually becoming popular styles of both artists. For example, it is known that in the 50 years, Europe admired masterpieces of universal Coco, and many residents of distant from the republic fashion of proud presence in their wardrobes products Queen fashion empire. However, the Dior Haute Couture won an Oscar in America (contrary to what was previously said on his American innovation protest as a sign of protection short skirts). And he won its "new look" for fashionable Old and New World.

To be continued…
Author: Alla Pilipenko