As long as we purchase from the shelves a little bit cute accessories, designers are in full fight for a place under the sun. Someone comes up with a new vision so popular last year ornaments with skulls, someone alters the usual eye beads. Some even abandon any traditional things and create something special. For example, to you, like a snail, the house was always with him. Or, sad for the fans of style - the tears rolled from his eyes. Just not true, of course. And these - Accessoris. So, a small survey of fresh accessories or new developments.
First rukodelnika can be found in LiveJournal (Live Journal). They call this fellow Momaboma. And it is famous for the fact that creates absolutely exclusive things with their hands. Fans of vintage of his work will be particularly interesting - handbags, bicycles, notebooks and much more, all under the old. All the secrets Momaboma not open. However, for its readers regularly upload photos with their works. Newspapers, paint, leather, even vinyl records - in his case could go to absolutely everything! It turns out very original clothes. However, a lot of money on his work, he does not get - many instances go into the hands of friends. It is worth noting that Momaboma itself became a true Italian brand. Do not believe? See how his ideas gradually migrate to those sharks fashion business, like Galiano and Nini Ricci.

If you are a creative person, but rather the music, the decorations you need appropriate. With headphones and microphones there. And that is not just "bling" were necessary to make them gold. It's your choice - yellow or white. The designer from Sydney Nathan Thomas, who presented this collection, probably just a fan of music.
Already in the introduction, I made a reservation about the fate of the cochlea - wear a your home. Women of fashion now offer to do the same. But the house is not necessary to drag on their backs, and their hands. More precisely on the fingers. Cottages, castles or family nest. The choice is very wide. Thanks to the creator, the Frenchman - Philippe Tpurnaire. Well and, accordingly, there is such a ring is not a few hundred or even a few thousand. After all this beauty is made of 18-carat gold!

If earlier it was the peak of fashion change eye color using the lenses. Now such "miracles" is no surprise. Whether business artificial tears. Designers have come up with the next "token". From the lens is a small thread at the end of which are fixed pieces of artificial tears. It looks not that unusual. Very strange. Judge for yourself:

29-year-old Dutch Klarenbik Eric says is a completely new kind of jewelry, which are mounted directly on the eyeball. And he tries to be happy by his own "tears." Are there many fans of such trends, remains a mystery.

For those who want not just an unusual thing, and super exclusive and desirable one of a kind, the Dutch designer Michiel Schuurman, together with Berber Soepboer offer you to plunge into childhood. More precisely at the moment when we are all with you were crazy about coloring. And here is it? Yes, despite the fact that he created a dress - dress coloring, which proposes a set of specific markers. So what color and pattern, it will be what you want to do it themselves. Rosy there, or little blue. Your choice.
