More recently, the capital of force in ladies clothes from expensive boutiques in Moscow, with a smile, called the price of their new clothes, more like a phone number, and regarded themselves as the standard style. But things are changing. And those who yesterday did not know about the existence of the designer shops, there is now a frequent guest. Not surprisingly, instead of different and bright girls, say at a fashion show, we see absolutely "incubator" creatures forgive me fans of style. Therefore, dress in the city where you live - not that it is not fashionable, but downright dangerous: who knows how many more people are ready to throw a certain amount of this is a nice little platishko. So pack your bags and go! Where? For a dream!
For what you've always wanted to buy, but what else have not seen anywhere else! And, you the exact location on the map must be specified? Wait a second! We need to think ... Everything! Invented. Let's go!
1. Milan
I always liked the sound of the name of the city - it is beautiful, sonorous, laconically
. Such a name and to wear the most fashionable prestige of the world
. Roberto Cavalli, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Armani and many others (they are in Rome)
. Shops are open from 9 until half past seven, and most of them accept payment by credit cards (only know the measure, and then you have a problem, like the main character of the film "Confessions of a Shopaholic")
. In addition, you should pay attention to the inscription «Euro Free Tax»
. It means that things are bought in this shop tax will be charged
. Purchase in the usual boutique? Then you have to fork out at customs
. More economical girls can receipt of its payment to send back to the boutique
. He will return the difference value of the goods
. Precious, is not it? And, of course, that you can buy! Fashionistas Milan wearing suede boots without heels, dangling loosely around the lower leg (with jeans, skirts, dresses) and a plaid shirt
. And just shhh! Secretly I tell you, at the beginning of the autumn round-trip tickets to Milan are much cheaper! Total 219 euros!
2. Paris
Along with courting couples and people who believe in that, after having seen this city, you can die, visited him and ladies from all over our land. Paris - is a haven of peace shark fashion as Dior, boutique designer Jean Paul Gaultier and the famous and exquisite Chanel. No wonder that Coco several years praised his name. And today it is remembered and loved. However, Parisians dress surprisingly modest, it is preferable to casual-style, not that visitors. Yes, and you can stroll through the boutiques and not for belongings, and because of the interest. Meet the celebrities you can at every step. Paris Hilton, for example, is very fond of shopping here. Who knows, maybe you will meet her in one store, and she would say in passing that for you?
3. New York
What do you think, why here in search of new orders come all the influential ladies and gentlemen (or just bought one or the other thing here)? Even despite the fact that the local people are very unfriendly. The answer is surprisingly simple: there are fashion companies like Topshop, and a real Mecca fashionistas - Fifth Avenue, where the largest department stores. The statistics of this town reads very attractive figures - are concentrated 46, 91% of the world's best retail centers.
4. London
Overtake New York almost a figure of 60 per cent of the best shopping - London. Shops are open Monday to Saturday from half past nine to six. And on Sunday, a short day and close them at exactly 5. The period of sales are the same as in Milan - January and July. The same scheme tax on purchases.
5. Madrid
Madrid - a wonderful Spanish town. Modern fashionistas will be able only to please, to my mind, the Prado Museum, founded by Isabella of Braganza. A local boutique Dolce & Gabbana likes to dress herself, Jennifer Lopez.
By the way, the city said in the latest issue of Forbes Magazine and famous. However, there rating was made quite different advantages. It should be noted, and not included in the top five fashion cities - Tokyo. No wonder that the Japanese are considered ahead of the rest, and its capital - the most expensive city in the world. You can not just go shopping and to catch new ideas (this is more advice for designers of future collections). Street fashion is not like any one style of any other city. So many different directions in clothes and lots of variations. So several times think before you decide where do you actually want to go.
