Hair removal can be a big problem if these hairs grow on the face. Shaving is not suitable for sensitive skin. Besides, it is the most noticeable part of the body, you need to remove hair perfectly clean, leaving no hint of the old vegetation. Fortunately, today there are many commercially available tools to help solve the problem of hair on the upper lip.
Wax strips for the face.
Before use, carefully read the instructions not to carry infection, and the skin was not irritated. Please be sure to perform the test strips to make sure that there is no irritation and injury. Practice on any other sensitive areas of skin. For example, the strip face
Veet Easy to Use Wax Strips for Face
suitable even for sensitive skin (contain vitamin A and almond oil).

They operate as follows. First you need to put on a strip of land on the upper lip. Then, as soon as possible to remove - one quick and sudden movement. Then - press to place a special cloth to avoid irritation. Thus, the advantage of this method is speed - almost instant effect. Modern strip uproot even a fairly short hairs (but not less than 2 mm). Packaged with strips wax strips have themselves and napkins.
If, however, there was a burning and tingling, you should wash the skin thoroughly with water and apply a cold compress. If symptoms do not go away - please contact your physician.

Wax strips are not suitable for those areas of the skin where there are varicose veins, scars, moles, warts and is not recommended for tanned skin. It can be used by pregnant women, but with caution. Unfortunately, wax strips may not be suitable for you if it is an allergen ingredients for your skin, so you should first do a test application. And one more tip: the first 24 hours after application of the wax strips can not sunbathe, swim, apply perfumed cosmetics products, tanning.
And just wax. It's almost the same thing, that the removal using wax strips, but only part of buy or make your own, and it will take longer than the strip. Waxing is best done after a week since the beginning of the menstrual cycle. This is less painful and the hair will grow not so much. Although experts do not confirm this, but many of the girls confidently say that after waxing the hair is noticeably thinner.
From the purchase option may be advisable:
Veet High Precision Facial Wax, Sally Hansen Wax For Upper Lip Hair Removal

Modern wax from the well-known brands and is designed for a rather sensitive skin, this has as a part of the aloe vera, chamomile and other soothing and moisturizing ingredients. Use simple: spread the wax on the area above the upper lip, and remove the wax. Most often waxes are equipped with a special spatula, which helps distribute the wax quite accurately, without capturing the area, which does not require waxing.
Before use, wash the skin, which will remove the hair with soap and warm water. Dry. The skin should not have any makeup, oils, lotions. The tube is required to heat the wax, it is done in a bowl with hot water, need no more than a minute. The wax can be reheated in the microwave. When pull out a tube of wax from the water, wipe it to prevent moisture from getting to the skin and wax. Upon contact with water, the wax becomes effective.

For the procedure quite quite a bit of wax. The wax should be liquid, too thick will not be good to remove the hairs. Apply the wax better stick or a spatula in the direction of hair growth. It is best applied to each side of the upper lip alone (on the right side and the left). On top wax while it is still hot and liquid, put the pieces of fabric (strips, they are most often found in the composition of sets with wax). Make sure the edge of the strip does not stick to the wax, because you'll pull for him. Remove the strip should be against the direction of hair growth.
Immediately after stripping off wax attach to the place of cloth or even a hand to relieve pain. Does not light up and make-up in the first days after the procedure.
This is an option for thick hair above the lip. Not suitable for sensitive skin. There are special nozzles designed to remove hair above the lip. There are certain types of epilators designed just for the hair on his face.
Here, for example, such a novelty - the epilator for the face
(the appliance as a stick). If the usual epilators are no less than 30 dollars, then this thing is sold on the Internet for just $ 2. Advantages - no irritation to the skin, like any epilator, it captures only the hairs stick without touching the skin. Spring as it catches every hair, then you are a quick movement removing hair.

You can rely on the familiar European manufacturers. Good feedback on the forum is about epilators
with a nozzle for hair person, or a special facial epilator -
Epilady Facial Hair Remover
To ease the pain of hair removal there are many ways. This one I found in one of the Indian Forum. The local women often suffer from dark hair above the lip. First you need to steam the face, and then 15 minutes to massage the skin above the upper lip with aloe vera gel (or pure aloe vera), painful hair removal will be much less.
For rare hair removal, this method is most effective. The skin is not irritated, and new hair grows back no earlier than a month. Many are afraid to believe that it will provoke a more rapid and abundant growth of new hairs. This is not true. The evidence? Look, it is unlikely your eyebrows have become thicker after plucking.

One of the novelties - Automatic tweezers, for example
Emjoi Tweeze Automatic Tweezer
. In contrast to conventional hand-held tweezers that can remove even the shortest hairs from the root, leaving your skin smooth and soft without irritations. Minus - the high price of new products, more than 50 dollars.
Discoloration of the hair.
Many choose not to delete, and discoloration of the hair. This makes sense in cases where hair is very thin, not captured by the epilator and the skin is too sensitive. There are folk remedies based on hydrogen peroxide. But it is better to rely on professionally designed to avoid irritations, to accidentally burn the skin above the lip, and not to spoil the eye.

For example, bleaching cream for facial hair
Sally Hansen Creme Hair Bleach for Face
. This cream does not flow, fast acting, it involves caring ingredients - Aloe Vera and Vitamin A.
Cream for hair removal.
Action The cream provides a chemical reaction between the protein of hair and chemical ingredients of the product, resulting in the hair are destroyed. Of the products on the market can be advised:
Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Remover Duo, Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover Kit For Face, Upper Lip & Chin

Modern creams that remove hair, more forgiving than ever. Now you can find a product with little or no odor. After all, as a result of chemical reaction when the hair as it is burned, there is an unpleasant odor that was hard to disguise. Another innovation - together with creams usually sold moisturizing and care product for the skin, to protect sensitive and delicate skin. Sometimes a single application, to get rid of unwanted vegetation above the lip.
In addition to home remedies remain laser, electrolysis, salon hair removal and waxing salon, other procedures involving medical professionals. Agree today quite a few ways to get rid of unwanted hair on the face and feel confident!