Every girl should know by heart the size of your underwear, shoe size, clothes size (and, and on the Russian scale, and the American, and French). And yet your skin type. Then bought cosmetics funds will not be disappointed.
With all that each of us - a unique individual, yet in most cases, the skin can be attributed to one of the five main categories:
- Normal
- Fatty
- Dry
- Combined
- Sensitive
There are variations, but they anyway are stacked above a designated gradation. Many of us believe that determine your skin type correctly. But the check does not hurt. Will a simple test.
Home Test: determine your skin type
Start with a clean slate, that is, first, wash and pat dry with a towel. After that do not put no's Skin means and decorative cosmetics, you need to wait to clean skin for about an hour. This will give the skin a chance to restore the balance and come back to normal, even if it will be accompanied by peeling or greasy luster.
Cut the blotting paper towel or cloth into small pieces. Dermatologists in this test are rice paper. One by one, apply the paper to his chin, center of forehead, nose, cheeks and temples. Do not forget where a piece was attached. To do this, the easiest way on the table schematically draw a face and put to the scheme squares of paper.

You have received valuable data on your skin. Now you need to compile them. Compare the results described below and determine your skin type:
- If each piece of paper has traces of oil, your skin is likely - fat.
- If instead of butter on paper small flakes of skin, your skin, rather - dry.
- If only some pieces of paper with skin oils, especially in the T-zone, and the rest from the scales, then you - combination skin.
- If all the pieces of paper were left without a trace (no oils or flakes), then this result can be attributed to normal skin. Recently, however, this situation is quite rare. Some dermatologists even suggest to exclude from the normal type of skin types, because they believe that the skin without any problems does not exist.
- As for the sensitive skin, it may show signs of all skin types, and attributed it to the sensitive help to further surveillance and external examination.
Visual inspection
The test results - is credible information, but it needs to be adjusted. To do so impartially evaluate the outward signs of their skin and their feelings.
- Normal skin
So, on paper, no trace. In addition, the skin should feel alive and elastic. Normal skin has a healthy complexion, clean and smooth. If the skin does not cause you any problems, requires minimal care - congratulations, you are the owner of normal skin that even in old age will look good.
- Dry skin
Owners of dry skin without moisturizer after washing and experiencing the feeling of dryness and tightness of skin. Dry skin is a shade close to yellowish and has fine lines, is very susceptible to aging and irritation. If you have dry skin needs especially careful care in the form of constant moisture.
- Oily skin
Oily skin is easy to determine not only greasy luster, but also extended pores. Oily skin is usually thicker, sometimes prone to acne. But to representatives of oily skin in some lucky - because the signs of aging on oily skin appear very late and not so clearly as in the dry. Basic care for oily skin - a thorough cleansing, low-fat creams and lotions, low-carb diet.
- Combination skin
Dry areas are located on the cheeks, around the eyes and fat - on the T-zone: nose, forehead and chin. Care is also required combination: moisture in dry areas and astringents on oily. Test with pieces of paper will tell you which parts of the face are dry and which - in bold, because all individually.
- Sensitive skin
Sensitive skin has a rash and irritation, acne, capillaries located close to the surface of the skin without a clear complexion. Generally, sensitive skin is dry, the feelings - strapped. There is a sensation of itching, stinging. This is the most problematic type of skin that needs the most careful care, and often in the treatment and attention of a dermatologist.