Healthy and beautiful hair in the winter. It's real!
 What every girl dreams? What is the pride of our women? Of course, it is our hair. But how many of us can boast chic shock of healthy hair? I think no.

Commercials, offering us the means of hair care, whether shampoo, hair spray, tonic, full of girls with beautiful hair is simply unrealistic.

 Healthy and beautiful hair in the winter. It's real!

Naturally, we are pleased to be deceived and running to buy everything that is on display in order to achieve at least approximate the effect, while well aware that the amount of hair in the girls created by artificial, though natural hair, strands, the brilliance - with special, professional tools. Experts give the hair almost daily in order for the commercials. So, let us not deceive ourselves on this account and consider all the possible ways in which it will be possible to bring our hair in order.

I do not discover America if I say that in the first place on the condition of the hair and skin vitamins affect. If the body of some vitamins is not enough, then it is immediately reflected on the state of the hair. They become brittle, dull, lifeless, the ends are cut. Common situation? Then it is necessary to spend on drink a course of vitamins, especially in the winter, even if these symptoms are not observed. In winter, in general, our body, the immune system is weakened, and we just have to help themselves through the winter without any consequences.

Also plays an important role himself shampoo. It should be specifically for your hair type. Shampoo designed for all hair types, it does not read for some. I think everybody understands that dry, normal, oily and combination (oily at the roots and dry at the tips) hair needs a completely different care. Do not neglect this fact.

 Healthy and beautiful hair in the winter. It's real!

Do not forget to use the balm conditioner after shampooing. The presence of such is not a fad, but a necessity. It is necessary to comb does not become a torture, and fun.

 Healthy and beautiful hair in the winter. It's real!

Wash your hair properly - the key to success on the way to a dream. Girls do not need when washing hair shkryabat fingernails. Firstly, it is not correct. Secondly, it is unpleasant. Third, as a result - dandruff and irritation. My hair extremely massage movements, you can even do a head massage. Get with the double pleasure.

Make it a rule once a week to make masks. In winter, our hair is in particular need of additional care. The mask can be purchased at the store, or better yet, prepare yourself. Agree, no unnecessary components will only be for the good. As they say - less is better.

 Healthy and beautiful hair in the winter. It's real!

For dry hair   in winter goes perfectly mask with 1 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of castor oil. This mask is not necessary to put themselves on hair and rub into the scalp, then you need to wrap your head warm towel. This application helps to normalize blood circulation and nutrition of dry hair. Waiting for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with shampoo, do not forget about Balm conditioner.

For normal hair   It recommended for all known kefir mask. This mask will not only strengthen your hair and give shine, which is so lacking in the winter. Kefir or serum is applied over the entire length of hair, kefir without regret. Massaging the scalp. Then the hair should be covered with plastic wrap (you can use a special cap) and a towel for 15-20 minutes. Mask wash off in the usual way.

For greasy hair   You can use a mask of egg yolk and oil. The yolk to be mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a few drops of castor oil. The mask is applied to the hair and scalp, wait for 15-20 minutes. Smyvaem conventional manner.

Lips Malakhov speaketh the truth! I want to share a little secret. If you want to grow hair faster, trim the growing them on the moon. Do you want to - believe it or - no, but the hair is really starting to grow faster. Verified by doing.

 Healthy and beautiful hair in the winter. It's real!

Take note of these simple rules, a little time and the result will not wait long!
Author: MIRovaya