If you do everything right, then the hair will gain an unusual effect, color depth and volume. If you think that this painting - it's just otrosshie dark roots bleached hair, you are mistaken. Regrowth look completely different and does not look like a luxurious and well-groomed hair. This is a special way of painting, by the way, is quite easy to master it yourself. It is only necessary to understand some nuances.
This color will suit and long hair, and short. Color should choose yourself, depending on what results are expected. Our task - the most natural and neat look, with quite a contrast, though, of course, it is possible to target and to extreme variations with pink and blue hair ends.
An example of many celebrities is fascinating and inspiring, that's for sure. And I can not wait to try it.
And now we turn to personal experience.
The idea of the gradient color I liked. It has long wanted to refresh the hair color without resorting to radical changes. Also I liked that the scalp will remain intact chemicals. The first experiment was not entirely successful. Because I bought the wrong paint. In the store I was wrongly advised and advised to simply paint tint without bleaching the hair. For my dark hair, it was not exactly what you need. But first things first.
It took me:
- hair dye
- Garbage bag or an old towel (to protect clothing)
- Gloves
- Plastic bowl and a brush to paint mixing
- Shampoo and conditioner
My actions:
- Cut a hole in a garbage bag for the hands and the head, put on his shoulders, put on gloves.
- Caused the paint on the hair below the ears and leave for 35 minutes.
- Then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
Here you can see the color of my "before". To paint better hair divided into two parts and each carefully paint over the ends.
As I said, the result was not quite the one that I needed. I wanted a kind of contrast. Although some differences were, and if you only have a difference of shades, you can follow my example, but I continued to experiment.
The difference of color was like ...
... But I do not really like it.
Familiar hairdresser advised me to repeat all the steps, only this time with a different ink that discolors hair, not just paint.
Now I bought the paint Natural Blonde with a clarifier. When it is mixed, it becomes here such a bluish color.

The remaining ingredients (gloves, air conditioning and so on.) Remained the same. All the actions I said again, but this time kept the paint almost 50 minutes.

Well, now, I enjoyed it, and the contrast is visible.

One caveat. Perhaps my first failure was the fact that my own hair pretty dark, even very dark. Because one of beauty Blogersha Lily has done everything the same, and it turned out all right the first time. Her hair is brown, they succumbed to the paint immediately.

Another girl from the network, Zoella, also wrote that after only 40 minutes of staining found a nice transition color gradient great hair.

Well, we try to spring new shades without much harm to the hair?
P.S. By the way, despite the work of their colleagues on the Internet and I found this advice. You can really paint in two or three stages, how it happened with me. Just do it with different colors, similar in color but different in tone. That is, the first twenty minutes to keep the hair with a darker paint, then another 20 minutes to add another lighter shade, and have only the ends.