If you can weave a normal French braid, you will not be difficult to master and this technique.
"Waterfall" these pigtails named as the effect left on the hair strands smooth flowing, very similar to the waterfall. I like to resort to the "waterfall" braids when the hair at the roots is a little fatty, and at the ends is still clean. After washing long hair troublesome, and their health is contraindicated frequent washing. And here we get a good hairstyle with her hair, despite the fat roots.
To begin to master the technique of weaving "waterfall" pigtails.
Step 1.
We begin to weave as a French braid. Separating a small section of hair.
Step 2.
Shared section into three strands, making a first weave, first the top, then - at the bottom.
That strand of the bottom, which is to go into a braid, left, and her place is taken by a similar amount and strand woven into a braid. A new strand is taken almost out of locks that we leave.
Step 4.
Then we repeat. All the locks on top of trailing as the classic French braid, with the capture of pryadok, and all locks are left bottom (not woven, thrown down), but instead they are taken from the new locks.
Step 5.
When dopletete to the desired length, turn into the usual Russian pigtail braid of three strands dopletite to ends and secure with a rubber band. You can hide the tail invisible beneath the hair.
And now is to show imagination and come up with a whole series of new hairstyles with waterfall braids. For example, the pigtail may encircle the entire head, and can be smoothly fall down:
Waterfall braids look great on blondes, and redheads, and brown hair.
And for straight hair, curly and can be used to receive a waterfall braids.
You can try to make a combination of two waterfall braids. It will look like this:
Or as a fantasy polupuchka or tail:
The latest hair do is not difficult. Scourge First waterfall braid from one temple to another, usually ends Russian pigtail.
Then weave braid under the first second. We finish it freer under the first oblique.
It is necessary to fix a ponytail or a bun on the side.
I wish you success in weaving waterfall, cascade, or, as they are called hairdressers, braids!
Author: Olga Larsen