Who, if not the angel of Victoria's Secret, can show a sexy summer meykap? Perhaps that is why makeup artist Polly Osmond chose Lily Aldridge, known model of Victoria's Secret, in order to show how to make a professional, yet simple, bronzer makeup.
By the way, this master class you will learn clever technique by which obtained here are the cheeks, which were at Sharon Stone at one of the outputs during the last (66th) Cannes Film Festival. Her "adult" and a bit "baked" color appreciated by many professional makeup artists.
Step 1.
Start with a moisturizing toner cream (tinted moisturizing cream). Polly always does this cream hands. Be sure to apply the cream on the neck, chin, along the contour of the face. Choose a product with an SPF of 15, it is protection for your skin.
Step 2.
Take duo shadows in natural coffee brown or performance. A semi-circular shadow brush to apply a brown-bronze shade to the eyelid and blend with your fingers up to the outer edge. Polly Osmond advised to mix two shades immediately duo shadows tend to gather in harmonious color palettes that can be mixed together.
Liner for eyes. Apply graphite liner on the upper and lower eyelids, but be sure to soften the line with your finger or an applicator.
Step 4.
Complete eye makeup you need volume mascara. Makeup artist apply two coats of mascara on upper lashes.
Step 5.
Bronzer. Polly uses baked bronzer powder and round brush. Do not ignore the advice known to all bronzer applied to those areas of the face, which primarily covers the sun. It is at the edges of the forehead, cheeks, nose (especially serving the bridge, but not the tip of the nose), the chin.
Step 6.
Lipstick. Choose lipstick with glitter, a little darker than your natural lip color. The circuit is not needed, it should look natural. After applying the lipstick to be just mute the layer and remove a clear boundary, primakivaya cloth or your fingers.
Step 7.
And the main trick by Polly Osmond - the effect of baked cheeks like Sharon Stone. Take the lipstick (which was painted lips) and apply to the apples of your cheeks with fingertips. This trick simultaneously illuminates the skin, giving it brightness and freshness, but the cheeks do not look too bright at ordinary crumbly rouge.
The result was a luxurious summer look, both with expensive resort. A model Lily Aldridge was pleased with bronzer makeup.
