American tattoo artist and gallery owner, inspiring his way of many women. And age does not matter, the interest in body-art can be not only in the 17-year-olds. But today is not about tattoos, but the make-up.
Just a few key strokes - and you're in the image of Kat Von Dee. You will need a solution for bright lips, blush and be sure the arrow with a twist. Kate, a master graphics, always creative approach to this part of his make-up, because it owns the stylus perfectly. Thus, a master-class makeup of the star.

Kate uses her own line of cosmetics makeup Kat Von D, these products can be bought in stores Sephora, or to find alternative proposals from other brands.

Step 1.
Gel liner move the lash line and determine the main direction of "arrow". Try to draw the line as close to the lashes as well as watch for symmetry lines in two centuries.

Step 2.
The same liner to create the upper limit of "arrows".

Now we need to fill the interior of the "arrow". This is best done with black pencil.

Step 4.
But the thin edge of the "arrow" will fill the gel liner to achieve precision and accuracy.

Step 5.
It's time to create the most creative flair in the form of a triangle bleached. The main difficulty - to do it symmetrically on both eyelids. Another problem - do it gently. Kat Von Dee came up with their own way. Cotton swab is not suitable, from her point of view. It leaves traces, hairs. Need a cotton cloth. She wrap a cotton swab or brush cutting, and erase the right triangle "arrow".

Step 6.
Gel liner should be worn to finish a piece to get the right shape.

Step 7.
Liberally paint the upper and lower lashes black mascara.

Step 8.
Kate loves orange lipstick. In this make-up I found a nice shade. Because he does not "argue" with a rich eye make-up, does not distract attention to itself, but is a bright spot.

Step 9.
Add the image of harmony help peach blush. Kat Von Dee - she and her courageous similar images "emo", but she believes that blush gives life a person who never gives up this make-up.

A simple way with a twist of Kat Von Dee.
