David Grant, a makeup artist and creative consultant brand Illamasqua, gives his vision of a festive make-up for women workers. It is advised to create a glamorous image for a corporate party, which can be worn not only for Christmas.
Tips David Grant realized a staff publication PopSugar (USA). Photo: cvoagen.com, mycharm.ru
Step 1.
Grant always starts with the make-up eyebrows. He advises fill surface eyebrows shadows in brown. Just make sure that the tone was subdued, as though faded, because the red color on the eyebrows looks unnatural.

Step 2.
Eyebrow brush comb the eyebrows, distributing pigment even better. And on top, apply a clear gel for eyebrows.

Pencil brown shades paint the spaces between the eyelashes on the upper eyelid. Liner should not be above the lash line and directly thereon. To do this, hold the mirror lower face, look at his reflection down, lift the lid and paint only the roots of the lashes.

Step 4.
Take a pencil color "eggplant", draw a line along the lashes from the center of the century to outer corner of the eye. Paint and crease and outer corner of the century. Soften brush or applicator. Do not be afraid of bright colors - this is just the base for shadows.

Step 5.
Matt brown color shades, apply directly on top of the bright, which was created in pencil. Outside Corner century darken the dark brown shadows, and the center-century coat gleaming bronze-copper shade.

Step 6.
It is necessary to clarify the inner corner of the century. For this purpose, flickering shadows shade of champagne. They apply to the crease with the inner edge of the eye.

Step 7.
Make-up for the lower eyelid. First clean the lower eyelid from the shadows that fell in the previous steps. To this end, the bottom line growth of eyelashes (inside) circle pencil nude shade or white. This technique not only cleanse the lower eyelid, but visually open up your eyes. Then put on the lower eyelid krichnevye dark and light brown shade: dark shade closer to the outer corner, lighter - in the middle.

Step 8.
Black liner put on the upper eyelid, as close to the lashes. If gaps remain between the lashes, they should be painted.

Step 9.
Apply black mascara on upper and lower lashes. Focus on the upper lashes, apply mascara from base to tip zigzag movements. A lower lashes, you can just sort of comb brush with mascara.

Step 10.
Go to the skin. Universal concealer - peach color, it will close the blue and green shades under the eyes. Apply concealer from the inner corner of the eye to the outside, drawing a U-shaped arc. Grant advises to bring up the shadows concealer on the eyelids, make-up will be more distinct and clear. Makeup artist is also recommended to apply a little concealer around the eyebrows, and then all the shade.

Step 11.
Followed by putting a thin layer of tonal framework. To do this, squeeze the hands drop means the size of a penny and take it a fluffy brush - spread lightly tone the skin to smooth out wrinkles and redness.

Step 12.
You can "polepit" face. Take a foundation darker shade and apply it under the cheekbones down along the jaw, the forehead and along the edges of the nose. If a person is very wide - put as much diagonal strokes - this will narrow it.

Step 13.
For blush Grant always use this technique. First, apply a cream blush, it will be the basis. And then powder - they will be better to stay, and the color will remain clean.

Step 14.
Were the final touches. Please lips. The first thing they have to paint pink liner for smoothing the skin firmness and lipstick, and then - apply lipstick flower or berry shade. For a festive make-up it is useful to focus a little gloss on the center of the lips.

Step 15.
For a dramatic way, you can add false eyelashes.

I get great meykap for a party with friends or colleagues.
