Want to learn how to use make-up to make the effect of the lips like Angelina Jolie? And how quickly draw a perfect "arrows"? Or how to make up the lashes without lumps? All this in our instructions - step by step with photos and comments.
Voluminous lips, or 3D effect
Receive fast and very effective. To add lip volume, it is necessary to use light pearlescent shade or highlighter. A lipstick should be matte or satin. It is the contrast between matt and sheen creates a three-dimensional.
Apply to all lip matte lipstick. Brush for a more precise application of lipstick or Stick.

Dip your finger in the flickering shadows powder or highlighter.
Slightly open your mouth and apply highlighter to the center of the upper and lower lips.

Inaccuracies can be corrected with a brush and matte lipstick is if the flickering glare turned asymmetrical or too large.

Lashes without clumps
"The spider legs" were relevant only one season, and then only on the podium. And now, as always, lumps on the eyelashes look messy and not aesthetically pleasing. To avoid this you need only 5 seconds of extra time. Grab a napkin and before applying mascara to the eyelashes, wipe the brush on a tissue to remove excess product. A good brush and paint over with a minimum of each eyelash mascara. Moreover, the abundance of only deprives eyelash mascara volume because thick eyelashes stick together, are combined into groups of visually it becomes less in quantity.

Long-lasting lip makeup
One of the main questions make-up - how to make lipstick last long, do not eat, and not "floated". They say you should first lip powder. I propose a slightly different way, and it is effective, for it is spoken and professional make-up artists and models.
Apply lipstick or lip cream paint matte lip pencil. But I'm talking about special cream sticks, not lip liner, they are very dry in order to paint them all lips and leave unsightly marks.
Remove any excess lipstick with a cloth - we say "um", keep a napkin between her lips.

Take a powder shadow or powder, brush. Dip the brush in the powder product (shadow or powder) and apply to lips. At the same time make chaotic movements of the lips, pressing and rotating until the lip is not completely soaked layer of powder.
Apply another layer of lipstick. Better brush - it allows you to put lipstick more accurately.

If to be a long night, then repeat steps 2-4 again.

We remove imperfections
Cotton buds are called by many makeup artists salutary and even magical. What's the magic? It turns out that the power of his very fine work. For example, to remove the particles of mascara or liner from the inside of the lash. It certainly needs to be done to avoid irritation and redness of the eyes.

Carefully walk a cotton swab from the inside of the lash. Just one movement - and particles of mascara will not be there. Then you can add a colored liner and another layer of mascara. Or you can leave all the makeup was injured because of that simple techniques.
Big lips
Owners thin lips often complain that they do not get them visually larger. It looks artificial. This is a good and fast way. Usually tips to increase the lips are reduced to what is necessary to circle the lip liner all, just entering the boundaries that defined the nature. But this method is practically not working, because it is almost always looks artificial, not natural. It is difficult to choose the color of the liner, the quality of the pencil. Slightly changing lighting - and painstaking work to prorisovyvaniyu stroke lips reduced to zero.
All we have to do - is to highlight the upper lip, not completely, but only the central part under the nose. Take a light aircraft. For light skin suit even very light, almost white, while darker skin - olive or beige. Add this liner thickness of the upper lip. Proceed from the edges to the middle. Emphasize and well, which is often called "Cupid's bow".

For a more natural, fingers a little smudge stroke.
Everything is ready, paint the lipstick, gloss or cream stick, depending on your mood and lifestyle. The color you choose.

Big eyes
The main role is to make the eyes more playing style of makeup you choose. Smoky and "cat's eye" in this sense is the most suitable. But what to do with the make-up day? Use the opportunities offered by the internal eyeliner lash line.
Liner white liner magically "opens" the eye. It is best combined with a liquid black eyeliner on the outer edge of the lash (style turns 60).

Liner nude shade also makes the eyes visually bigger and eyeliner looks the most natural (this tip for lovers of natural and neutral make-up). Body liner nobody will notice, but notice that his eyes are bright and expressive.

But Black liner applied to the inner lash line, by contrast, reduces eye. Owners of small eyes do not advise. And for everyone else it can be a great evening option. This liner dramatically changing the way - if you like to experiment, you will enjoy its magic.