No, we are in the article goes on gauze bandages, which cleverly began to speculate trademarks and parochial fashion. Frankly, march on the catwalk models in the design gauze bandages is more like a good banter on the topical theme of protection against trite ghost of swine flu than a fashionable trend.
We talk about the present trend of the season - dressing hair. By and large, there is an accessory for said single term. You can call it dressing, lace, chain, rope or ribbon for hair. The sense one: a decoration that is worn / fit on the head of the contour of the forehead or hair roots with a view to fix or decorate her hair.
Looked more closely at the history of the dressing, it is clear that its roots go back to antiquity. The beginnings of modern bandage dresses we see in the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.
The presence of bandages notice in Russian costumes of the early 20th century. This old family photos from Arkhangelsk a young girl with a pearl silk bandage thread.
Remember, as one of the best comedies of the national cinema, the film "The Diamond Arm" Svetlana Svetlichnaya including the famous dressing gown and bandages on his head was singing his epoch-making "Help me ..."? Here's a band again at the height of fashion!
Fashion-icon of the 50's unforgettable Brigitte Bardot for many and is now associated with a bandage for hair.
Not the last role in the construction of dressing in fashion trend rightfully sample flow hippie 60s. Then the bandage on his head effectively emphasized bright colorful hippie dress.
Today, evidence of the popularity of dressing is the fact that many domestic and overseas stars rather favor armband, boldly and skillfully weaving it in his image than captivate the audience and "favorite" paparazzi. Among the star fans bandages spotted Paris Hilton, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Ritchie, Salma Hayek, Milla Jovovich and others.
Headband hair - is not only fashionable, but also very convenient. The dressing may be a monolithic (i.e., an expanding effect and crosslinked both ends) and twisted by a conventional Neck handkerchief and tied back or side. The variety of forms and ways of wearing the bandage makes it the perfect finishing touch, which is able to emphasize the main outfit. Wear bandages like a long flowing hair and a short haircut, like "licking" with their help, bang, and you can top, holding bangs to her forehead, and even under the slicked hair in a bun.
To go to the dressing? Bandages are everything. The only thing that should be remembered the girls with a low forehead, it's that the fashion accessory to be worn at the hairline. This visually increase forehead. All the same, who are on a low forehead does not complain, better to wear a bandage on the middle of the forehead. Especially looks nice dressing combined with high hair or ponytail.
In some cases, appropriate dressings? Bandages are relevant to any outfit. The dressing would be relevant, and most importantly, easy to office suits. After all, it perfectly captures the hair when you lean over the desk.
The dressing is indispensable in the gym. In this case select the optimal monolithic bandage because you have a lot of head movements, and tied a scarf of silk or chiffon will slide through his hair, untied than cause only discomfort. Due to the monolithic dressing hair in the gym will be securely locked and will not prevent you from doing the exercises. A huge range of sports armbands offers the leading manufacturers of sportswear.
Of course, the band will come to your home suit. Home along bandage give puppet, hide the lack of styling, fix hair and allow them not to interfere in domestic work.
Indispensable dressing and beauty salon. After all, for the convenience of cosmetic procedures with its help we can easily remove from the forehead bangs and a person - unruly strands.
Perfectly complement the bandage evening dress. In this case, it can be decorated with a brooch or tie a spectacular bow. For the dressing for the evening will be relevant materials with gold or silver thread, with sequins, chiffon, silk and velvet.
Favor fancy dressings and groom, are increasingly willing to promenivaya them veil and tiara has become habitual.
And for winter fashion sharks will like fur dressing. After their huge advantage is that they will save from frost female ears, but hardly touched and keep hair.
And still today the highest chic fashion - natural hair dressings or bandages in imitation of the hair.
Highly relevant element of fashionable bandage - a bow.
And, of course, under the bandage force to curb unruly hair cascades little fashionista!
Without a doubt, headbands for hair - a great way to express fashion. So let's reveal the arms of their new coming!
